Freeing up resources in GO

Go is a language with automatic memory management: the garbage collector, without the need for a programmer, takes care of reclaiming the memory occupied by objects no longer used by the program. But all automation in general is limited by memory - we still need to take care of the rest of the resources used by the program ourselves.

Image source:
Image source:

, - , runtime.SetFinalizer. , , . Go - , , , , .

, - . , , - , .

res1, err := NewResource1()
if err != nil {
    return nil, err

res2, err := NewResource2(res1)
if err != nil {
  return nil, err

res3, err := NewResource3(res2)
if err != nil {
  return nil, err

v, err := res3.DoSomething()
if err != nil {
  return nil, err

return v, nil

, . , ( ). Close , - .

. , C# Java using statement try-with-resources statement . Go , , defer statement. , :

res1, err := NewResource1()
if err != nil {
  return nil, err
defer res1.Close()

res2, err := NewResource2(res1)
if err != nil {
  return nil, err
defer res2.Close()

res3, err := NewResource3(res2)
if err != nil {
  return nil, err
defer res3.Close()

return res3.DoSomething()

Close . Close - .

, . - defer . , , - , . , , . , , - , - - , (, main), , , , , .

, Wire. ( Wire) . . cleanup function, . .

Dedicated finalization

, c cleanup function, Wire, . , Close ( ) :

  • ;

  • .

, , , . , Go :

res, cleanup, err := NewResource()
if err != nil {
  return err
//    cleanup,     .

if err := res.DoSomething(); err != nil {
  return err

, (, ) ( ) . , " ", , , "" "" , .

Composite finalization

defer (, ), :

func Finalize(finalizers ...func()) {
  //     .
  for i := len(finalizers) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    func() {
      defer func() {
        //      ,    .
        //        multierror :
        // 1)    ;
        // 2)    .

func NewResource3() (*Resource3, func(), error) {
  var (
    finalizers []func() //    
    successful bool     //    
  defer func() {
    //       ,
    //        -
    //       .
    if !successfull {
  res1, fin1, err := NewResource1()
  if err != nil {
    return nil, nil, err
  finalizers = append(finalizers, fin1)
  res2, fin2, err := NewResource2(res1)
  if err != nil {
    return nil, nil, err
  finalizers = append(finalizers, fin2)
  res3 := &Resource3{
    resource2: res2,
  fin3 := func() {
  //        .
  //     .
  successful = true
  return res3, fin3, nil

Finalize - .

new - error - defer , , , , .


I have posted the KDone library providing the above set of tools. She is part of the Kata project , which will be discussed next. We can assume that at the moment its API is stable and if it changes, it will be insignificant - nevertheless, the library is still fresh and I still use the zero major version in case of unforeseen changes.

A typical constructor using this library looks like this:

func NewResource(...) (res Resource, dtor kdone.Destructor, err error) {
  defer kerror.Catch(&err)               //    
                                         //   KError.
                                         //    .
  reaper := kdone.NewReaper()            //  reaper.
  defer reaper.MustFinalize()            //   
                                         //   .
  // ... reaper.MustAssume(dtor) ...     //   reaper 
                                         // .
  return res, reaper.MustRelease(), nil  //  reaper  
                                         //  .

What do you think? The concept is simple enough, but maybe I missed something in my reasoning? Or do you have suggestions for improvements? I would be glad to have discussions in the comments.

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