How to weed out bad programmers. 10 best automated code quality checkers

Testing candidates' technical skills is an integral part of IT hiring. It is necessary to well separate the wheat from the chaff. You can do this ahead of time by seeing if the person is writing decent code. Special tools can do this, often partially free. In this article, we have collected ten of the best ones.

Such services will save you a lot of time and money. After all, it is rather unpleasant when, instead of doing business, the developers are forced to check the candidate who, frankly, has no chance. By the way, this is also a great way to practice completing various tasks.

The use of such testing tools is especially useful when testing a candidate online. At Rubrain, we have more than ten thousand developers in the database, all at Middle and Senior levels. It is the policy of the company: do not take those who have not yet learned to write well. And automated services save us thousands of hours vetting candidates. We will find out in a few minutes if the person who knocks on our door does not suit us. Moreover, a recruiter or HR can conduct a check. At this stage, there is still no need to involve technical specialists.


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1. HackerRank

, . β€” PayPal, Atlassian, LinkedIn .

HackerRank :

  • CodeScreen: , - .

  • CodePair: - .

  • Projects: , . , , .

  • Insights: , , , .

HackerRank , . . . 14 , . , , , $250 $600 . $25 , , .

, HackerRank, . , , , , .

HackerRank IT-. , (, ). , , .

40 .

2. Codility

Codility β€” - . :

  • CodeCheck β€” .

  • CodeLive β€” - .

, Amazon, Microsoft, Slack, PayPal Intel. . - , $6000 .

Codility, HackerRank . , , . , HackerRank , , ( , .). β€” , . HackerRank .

Codility . , . , , , , . .

: Codility HackerRank.

3. Coderbyte

Coderbyte . Coderbyte, . , .

Coderbyte 600 , Shopify, AngelList, Zoom, HBO Microsoft. HackerRank, Codility Coderpad. DevOps, , , Data Sicence. .

$35 $499 . $10 . β€” 14 ( ).

4. CodeSignal

2014- -. , 2018-, CodeFights 11 . . 1 .

CodeSignal :

  • Test β€” . , . , . , .

  • Interview β€” . . , , . .

  • Certify β€” , . , . . , , , .

(+ , ), , , , , , . 38 .

CodeSignal , . , . , Uber, Evernote, Dropbox, Asana, Quora, Middle .

, CodeSignal , : . $500 ( $5000 ) . . , 14 .

5. oderPad

, , . ( 30 ). , , , , . , , ( ). CoderPad, Zoom/Skype.

( ). CoderPad , . :

  • ;

  • , , / ;

  • β€” , , ;

  • -: , , .

CoderPad Netflix, Slack, Shopify, Yelp, Twitch, AirBnB. 50 ( 5 ) 750 (100 , 50 , ). $1500  β€” . , .

, 7 .

Indie Hackers CoderPad β€” , , , . , - -. .

6. ChallengeRocket

, , , . , , , . , ( ). , . , , 1960 IBM. Google.

ChallengeRocket :

  • Skill challenge: ( ).

  • Creative challenge: , .

  • Hackathon: - , .

( $79, $12). $350/ , .

ChallengeRocket , Kaggle, TopCoder CodeForces. , , , ChallengeRocket .

β€” IBM, Nvidia ING.

β€” 30 .

7. CodinGame

β€” ! , , . β€” .

β€” , . , : , . , . β€” , , () .

1900 -. 42 /. β€” , .

CodinGame β€” Facebook, Nintendo, Adobe, Bank of America, EA, Deloitte, Warner Bros.

€249 . β€” 14 .

8. Qualified

CodeWars, -, . Qualified , , . 50 5 ( ), .

, , . Qualified , Apple, Accenture, Domino’s .

$150 -, ( β€” ). 14 . 5 .

9. Quizful

- ( InTester, , ). Quizful , ( ) , - , . . .

: , . , - . , , . - β€” . , , , , IT .

10. Codeassess

Codeassess . , ExpertRating, , - Walmart, Gap, UPS, IKEA, Citrix . Codeassess . ( ) , -. -, , , . , - .

$49 ( 15 -, , ). , , . : 25 . , Python ( - ).

, , , , . Codeassess, , . β€” , , .

, - β€” ( ) . , . , , , .

, , . . β€” . , -

Fortunately, you can also ignore the parameters that you are not interested in. And a person can quickly assess the readability of a code. This does not require huge knowledge and detailed immersion.

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