OpenAI's CLIP Neural Network: A classifier that doesn't need to be trained. Long Live Learning Without Learning

Can you imagine an image classifier that solves almost any problem and doesn't need to be trained at all? Have you presented? It turns out that this should be a universal classifier? That's right! This is a new CLIP neural network from OpenAI. Parsing CLIP from the heading: Disassembling and Assembling Neural Networks using Star Wars as an example!

, ? , , ? — , , , " ", Google? , DALL•E ( ) " "? ? , ImageNet, ImageNet?

" " CLIP OpenAI. . : : .

,  Â« » â€” - , .

CLIP ""?

An example of image classification by the CLIP neural network using the "learning without training" method on various datasets, including ImageNet
CLIP " " , ImageNet

, deep learning 1! , , — " ". , ( - ). , () :

  • 10 — Mnist (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology dataset)

  • 10 100 80 , — CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 (Canadian Institute For Advanced Research)

  • 1000 ImageNet

. "" , . , , . :

— , . . , .

. , , () , , , , linear probe transfer learning. transfer learning , , , , , . linear probe — transfer learning, , , (linear classifier) .


, ( ResNet-50 ResNet-101) , 224x224x3. , , , 224 224 , , (red, green, blue). , ( tensorflow ), , , , , ( , , , , , ).

n- . 1280 4096, - ( ). . , , . . , ( ), -. () , : .

, X-Wing, A-wing TIE fighter . . , . , , . , , . ( , ).

, , . , , , A-wing , X-Wing — , TIE fighter — , . linear probe, . few-shot linear probes, . , .

, transfer learning . , , , , , .

, , , few-shot linear probes . , , . .

, , . , ResNet-50 ResNet-101, , ! , , ! , , " " zero-shot transfer learning.

OpenAI , -, — "" . (), , - , (promt) . , , 400 -, . . " ".

. "" - ( ) (, ) . CLIP (-, , ) () -.

, , () " ", (embedding) , !

OpenAI ResNet-50 ImageNet " ", 1,28 , ResNet-50!


, , . , , . "". :

  • What's in the Box? CLIP, ?

  • –  . -?

  • . " " ?

  • . CLIP , ?

  • Beyond the Infinite. CLIP, ?

What's in the Box? 

, , CLIP. , CLIP . , CLIP .

, PyTrorch TensorFlow, , , , GAN. , GAN , , ( ), . — . , ( ) . . GAN, , . . CLIP — , .

CLIP - there is an element-wise cosine similarity of text and visual representations
CLIP — cosine similarity

, CLIP. , , — , , . (CV NLP), , , , . .

- , 2 . ResNet - ( ), - ResNet', benchmark . , - , . ResNet Vision Transformer2.

- . OpenAI. , GPT. , ( ), , , . CBOW Text Transformer.

Picture.  Darth Vader kills his son

CLIP — ! , , ". ", -. , . CLIP — !


N, N (image, text) 400 -, . N N (promt) Image Encoder Text Encoder. . , (j, k) cosine similarity j- k- . , (image, text). cosine similarity N , cosine similarity N2-N . . ontrastive pre-training CLIP.

Matrix of elementwise cosine similarity between pairs of vector representations of images and text descriptions
cosine similarity
# image_encoder - ResNet or Vision Transformer
# text_encoder - CBOW or Text Transformer
# I[n, h, w, c] - minibatch of aligned images
# T[n, l] - minibatch of aligned texts
# W_i[d_i, d_e] - learned proj of image to embed
# W_t[d_t, d_e] - learned proj of text to embed
# t - learned temperature parameter

# extract feature representations of each modality
I_f = image_encoder(I) #[n, d_i]
T_f = text_encoder(T) #[n, d_t]

# joint multimodal embedding [n, d_e]
I_e = l2_normalize(, W_i), axis=1)
T_e = l2_normalize(, W_t), axis=1)

# scaled pairwise cosine similarities [n, n]
logits =, T_e.T) * np.exp(t)

# symmetric loss function
labels = np.arange(n)
loss_i = cross_entropy_loss(logits, labels, axis=0)
loss_t = cross_entropy_loss(logits, labels, axis=1)
loss = (loss_i + loss_t)/2

— . Numpy-like pseudocode CLIP.

  1. I_f


    — , Image Encoder Text Encoder

  2. I_e


    — ( ) , .

  3. logits

    — cosine similarity 3. ? , . outer product I_e



  4. labels

    — , cosine similarity. e.g.: np.arange(7) # array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

  5. loss_i


    — , ligits (axis=0 axis=1)

  6. loss

    — .


ResNet Vision Transformers. ResNet' ResNet-50, ResNet-101, 3 , EfficientNet, 4, 16 64 , ResNet-50. RN50x4, RN50x16 RN50x64 . Vision Transformers ViT-B / 32, ViT-B / 16 ViT-L / 14.

32 . Adam, decoupled weight decay regularization learning rate decay, (lr_scheduler). - 32 768 ( - ), mixed-precision. , ( cosine similarity) . , , "-" .

ResNet: RN50x64 592 V100, 18 , Vision Transformer 12 256 V100.

, zero-shot learning, , , . OpenAI , CLIP , . zero-shot learning . deep learning — . , . , ?

, , , . . , CLIP . , . , : a photo of a plane, a photo of a car, a photo of a dog, ..., a photo of a bird. CLIP , , a photo of a dog. , , (, ) , . , ?

Difference Between Classic Classification Approach and Hybrid CLIP Approach

, ! CLIP, Text Encoder, . , . .

, -, , , , ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , CLIP . , : " " " ".

, CLIP . , CLIP , . , : photo of a ____ a centered satellite photo of ____. , . , ! — .

Machine learning in words!

, , CLIP . , , . . transfer learning . :

  • -, -, ? — , CLIP!

  • , ? — , CLIP!

  • — , , , " ", Google? — CLIP!

  • ? — CLIP. , .

. .

— ? , - , CLIP , CLIP ?

— .. .. Mnist , , . StanfordCars , . ImageNet ..

CLIP baseline, . 27 . CLIP baseline , 16 27 , ImageNet! - ResNet-50. , CLIP baseline Kinetics700 UCF101 " ". , .

— ImageNet , - ResNet-50, linear probe, ?

— . .

Zero-shot CLIP few-shot linear probes! CLIP , CLIP, Image Encoder -, (4-shot linear probes), 4 . Zero-shot CLIP BiT-M 16-shot linear probes. , few-shot learning CLIP, , linear probes .

— , , , , ?

— , . , . , , . , ( ). , , CLIP .

Zero-shot CLIP turns out to be more resistant to shifting distributions than the model trained on ImageNet.
Zero-shot CLIP , ImageNet.

Zero-shot CLIP , ImageNet.

. . CLIP (ViT-L / 14 @ 336p) , ResNet-101, ​​ ImageNet. , . . , ImageNet. , , ObjectNet ImageNet-A. . , CLIP.

( ) ImageNet . CLIP , ImageNet, , . , CLIP , , , -, . NLP, CV.


DALL·E, , . , , .

DALL·E OpenAi: . 2021

Image Captioning ( ), DALL·E () — .

. DALL·E : a living room with two black armchairs and a painting of darth vader. the painting is mounted above a coffee table.

OpenAI , , DALL·E. , DALL·E, , ?

, , . DALL·E , .

OpenAI . 32 512- DALL·E, CLIP. , , CLIP , , (promt) .

Two possible modes of using the CLIP hybrid neural network

, CLIP, , . , CLIP, .

, CLIP — NLP CV. , , , , "" . , , NLP, : Vision Transformers. few-shot zero-shot learning nlp cv . , , !

? CLIP — , , DALL·E!

, , :

TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques  deeplearning ai  Andrew Ng

YouTube-: : ?  “ ”

  1. , Andrej Karpathy 95% top-5 ImageNet. 2021 98.8% top-5 (EfficientNet-L2) ImageNet.

  2. Vision Transformers . . CLIP CLIP-ViT Vision Transformer'. 224x224 : ViT-B/32, ViT-B/16, ViT-L/14, ViT-L/14, fine-tune 336336.

  3. , cosine similarity Ď„ np.exp(t)

    , . Ď„, logits softmax.

! , . !

CLIP? " "? , -, ? ? - ? " "? ? !

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