Exploring important features by spreading differences in activation. DeepLIFT


The perceived black box nature of neural networks is an obstacle to use in applications where interpretability is important. Here we present DeepLIFT (Deep Learning Important FeaTures), a method for decomposing the output prediction of a neural network at a specific input by backpropagating the responses of all neurons (nodes) of the network to each feature of the input signal. DeepLIFT compares the activation of each neuron with its “reference activation” and assigns estimates of its individual contribution. By considering the positive and negative contributions separately, DeepLIFT can also identify dependencies that other approaches miss. The scores can be efficiently calculated in one return pass. We apply DeepLIFT to MNIST-trained models and simulated genomic data,showing significant advantages over gradient methods. 

Video tutorial: http://goo.gl/qKb7pL

ICML slides: bit.ly/deeplifticmlslides

ICML talk: https://vimeo.com/238275076

code: http://goo.gl/RM8jvH

1. Introduction 

, ,  « »   , .  DeepLIFT ( ), . . -, «» , «» . , ,    DeepLIFT     , ,   , . -, , DeepLIFT  , .  DeepLIFT  , , ,




     .  &  ( & , 2013 [12])       . «In-silico mutagenesis» (Zhou & Troyanskaya, 2015 [13])   . Zintgraf  . (Zintgraf et al., 2017 [14])     . , . , (. 1). 

Figure:  1. Perturbation approaches and gradient approaches are not capable of simulating saturation.
. 1. , , .

, . , i1 = 1 i2 = 1, i1 i2 0 . , , i1 + i2> 1.

2.2. ,     

, , .  DeepLIFT. 

2.2.1. ,  (, )   

. ( ., 2013 [9]) « » . ,  ()  (Zeiler & Fergus, 2013 [12]), (ReLU). ,  ReLU  , ,  ReLU   . ,    ,  ReLU  , , ,  ReLU  .   . (Springenberg et al., 2014 [10]) ,  ReLU,  ReLU  , . , , ,  ReLU. - ,  ,   ()  , . , , . 1, y h ( ), h i1 i2 , i1 + i2> 1 ( ).   (. 2). 

2.2.2.  ×  

. (Bach et al., 2015 [1]) , (LRP).   .  Kindermans et al. (Shrikumar et al., 2016; Kindermans et al., 2016 [8]) , , , LRP  ReLU   Simonyan et al. ( , × ).   DeepLIFT  gradient × input, GPU, LRP GPU,    . 

× ,   , ,   . 1    . 2. 


, , (: ) (Sundararajan et al., 2016). , 1 2,     ( , , )   . ,   (. 3.4.3). 

2.3. Grad-CAM CAM 

Grad-CAM (Selvaraju et al., 2016 [7])    ,       , ,  , .  ( )  , ,  Grad-CAM , ,  Grad-CAM. , .    . 

3.  DeepLIFT 

3.1.  DeepLIFT 

DeepLIFT  «» «». «» - «» , , ( . 3.3). , t , , x1, x2, ..., xn  ,   t. t0 t. ∆t , ∆t = t − t0. DeepLIFT   

C _ {\ Delta x_i \ Delta t} \;  for \ Delta xi \;  as
C _ {∆x_i ∆t} \ text {may be nonzero} \ text {even if} \ frac {∂t} {∂x_i} \ text {equals zero.  }

 DeepLIFT  , , . 1, , . ,  DeepLIFT, .2,  - ()  . , , , . 

Figure 2. Discontinuous gradients can give incorrect estimates of importance.
2. .

-10. , x = 10; x = 10 + e, ×   10 + e x -10  ( - ). x < 10, x   0. , ( , ) . 



x ∆x t ∆t, ,  m∆x∆t : 

,  m∆x∆t - ∆x ∆t, ∆x. : ∂t / ∂x -   ∆t,   ∆x,     ∆x. ,      .


, x1, ..., xn, y1, ..., yn  t.

m_ {∆x_i∆y_j} \;  and \;  m_ {∆y_j∆t} \;  next \;  definition \;  m_ {∆x_i∆t}

. 1 (. ): 

. 3     .     , - , . 


 DeepLift, 3.5, ,  -  . :  y x1, x2, ... , y = f(x1, x2,...).

x ^ 0_1, x ^ 0_2 ...

, ... , y0

, . 

 DeepLIFT. , , ,   DeepLIFT  .  «  ?». MNIST , .  ( {A,C,G, T}) , , ACGT (. 5), ,   ( J).

, × ( × ∆, ∆ ).  , ( 2.2.3) , ,  DeepLIFT.  Guided Backprop  , ,   , , , . 


3.5.3 , - .  ,  y ∆y + ∆y−, ∆y, : 

∆y+ ∆y− ∆y , ∆xi, .  RevealCancel ( 3.5.3), t ,  m∆y + ∆t  m∆y − ∆t . ( 3.5.1 3.5.2) : m∆y∆t = m∆y + ∆t = m∆y − ∆t


   . ( 3.2) ( ) . 


   ( ). y -   xi ,

y = b + \ sum_ {i = 1} ^ n w_ix_i


∆y = \ sum_ {i} w_ix_i

∆y :


, 3.2.1.

, ∆xi = 0?  « »   « », , ∆x + i ∆x - i ( ),  « »   . ,  

m_ {∆x ^ + _ i ∆y ^ +} = m_ {∆x ^ + _ i ∆y ^ -} = 0.5 w_i

∆xi  0 ( ∆x-).

. B, , . 


, ,  ReLU, tanh  sigmoid. y -  x , y = f(x).   y , , ,  

C_ {∆∆} = ∆Y, u, \;  therefore, m_ {∆X∆Y} = \ frac {∆y} {∆x}

∆y+ ∆y−  ∆+ ∆x−

, : 


x → x^0, \;  \; ∆x → 0 \;  \; y → 0.

, . . 

m_{∆x∆y} → \frac{dy}{dx},  \frac{dy}{dx} \;   \; x = x^0.

, , x , , .

, , , . 1 . 2. . 1, 

i^0_1 = i^0_2 = 0, \;  \;  \; i_1 + i_2 > 1 \;   ∆h= \text{-} 1  ∆y = 1,  \; m_{∆h∆y} = \frac{∆h}{∆y} =  \text{-}1, \;  \; \frac{d}{dh} = 0

( ,     , ). . 2, 0 = 0 = 0, x = 10 + ,  ∆y =  

, ×  10+e x -10 (DeepLIFT  ). 

(Lundberg & Lee, 2016 [6]),  DeepLIFT  Shapely. ,  Shapely  ,    . «» , DeepLIFT   Shapely. Lundberg & Lee   DeepLIFT,    . 


, , .  min (i1, i2), . 3, i1 = 0 i2 = 0. , i1, i2 ( , ). ,  min

, , ,

 i_1 > i_2. \; \; \;  \; h_1 = (i_1 -  i_2) > 0 \;   \; h_2 = max(0, h_1) = h_1.


C_{∆i_1∆h_1} = i_1 \;\; C_{∆i_2∆h_1} = \text{-}i2. 


M_{∆h_1,∆h_2}  \;  \; \frac{∆h_2 }{∆h_1} = 1,

, ,

C_{∆i_1∆h_2} = m_{∆h_1 ∆h_2}C_{∆i_1∆h_1} =i_1  \;  \; C_ {∆i_2 ∆h_2} = m_{∆h_1∆ h_2}C_{∆i_2∆h_1} = \text{-}i2.


(i_1 \text{-} C_{∆i_1∆h_2}) = (i_1 \text{-} i_1) = 0,

i_2 \; to \; o\; is \; \text{-}∆i_2∆h_2 = i_2.

, ,

C_{∆i_2∆h_2} \;  \; \; \;0,\;  \; \; i_1

  - , , i1 i2, - , i2 i1 h2. i1 < i2;    

C_{∆i_1∆_o} =  i_1 \;  \; C_{∆i_2∆o} = 0.

, , ×,   i1, i2, i1 i2 ( . C). 

. y = f (x). , ∆y + ∆y−

∆x ^ + and ∆ ^ - \;  and \;  m_ {∆x ^ + ∆y ^ +} = m_ {∆x ^ \ text {-} ∆y ^ \ text {-}} = m_ {∆x∆y}

(   ), :

, ∆y+ ∆x+ , ∆x−, ∆y− ∆x− , ∆x+.  Shapely ∆x+ ∆x−, y.  

, , - , . . 3 RevealCancel  0,5min(i1, i2) ( . C). 

 RevealCancel  , . 1 .2, , . , ReLU, ∆y > 0 iff ∆x ≥ b. ∆x < b ,    ∆x+, ∆x− ( ),  («») . RevealCancel  , ∆x+ ∆x-

Figure 3. Network computing o = min (i1, i2).
3. o = min (i1, i2).


i ^ 0_1 = i ^ 0_2 = 0. \;  For \;  i_1 <i_2 \;  then \ frac {dy} {di_2} = 0, \; a \;  when \;  i_2 <i_1 \;  then \;  \ frac {do} {di_1} = 0

, , 2.2,    i1 i2.  RevealCancel  0,5min(i1, i2) .


softmax , , . , , , 3.1. , o = (y), y - .

Let's pretend that \;  y = x_1 + x_2, \;  where \;  x ^ 0_1 = x ^ 0_2 = 0. When x1 = 50 \;  and \;  x_2 = 0,

o 1, x1 x2 0,5 0 . , x1 = 100 x2 = 100, o - 1, x1 x2 0,25 . , DeepLIFT. , y, o.


,  softmax,  softmax, ,  softmax  ,  softmax - . , , . , n - , 

C_ {∆x∆c_i}

 ci  ,

C '_ {∆x c_i}

, : 

,  softmax  softmax . 


4.1.  (MNIST) 

MNIST (Le-Cun et al., 1999) Keras (Chollet, 2015) 99,2%.   , ,  softmax (. D ).  > 1 , , (Springenberg et al., 2014 [10]). DeepLift  ( ). 

   , , : ,  co, , , Co. ,

S_ {x_idiff} = S_ {x_ic_o} -S_ {x_ic_t} (where S_ {x_ic} \ text {- pixel estimate} \; x_i \ text {and class} \; c)

157 (20% ),  

S_ {x_idiff}, \ text {for which} S_ {x_idiff}> 0.

 Co  Ct  . 

Figure 4. DeepLIFT uses the RevealCancel rule to better identify pixels to convert from one digit to another.
4. DeepLIFT RevealCancel .

: , (8) (3 6). 8, 3 6. 8→6 * . : - 1K , . " -n" n . 

Figure:  5. DeepLIFT with RevealCancel gives the qualitatively desired behavior when simulating TAL-GATA.
. 5. DeepLIFT RevealCancel TAL-GATA.

() TAL1 (. G GATA1).   -5 . X: log- TAL1 . Y - : . , TAL1 GATA1; GATA1, TAL1, . “DeepLIFT-fc-RC-conv-RS” RevealCancel    ( ) , , -,  RevealCancel  .  

()   (log-odds > 7) TAL1  , TAL1 GATA1, <= 0 0;   * INP  DeepLIFT  RevealCancel   ,     1 ( ()). 

4.2. ()

( {A,C,G, T}). ( 200-1000), , (RPs), . RP (, GATA1) (, ) (, GATAA GATTA). , (), . , DeepLIFT  ,    , , . 

200 ACGT 0,3, 0,2, 0,2 0,3 . (. F)  RPs  GATA1 TAL1(. 6) (Kheradpour &Kellis, 2014 [3]), 0-3 . , 3 .     1 « - GATA1 TAL1 ()», 2  «GATA1 ()»  3  «TAL1  ()». 1/4 GATA1, TAL1 ( 111), 1/4 GATA1 ( 010), 1/4 TAL1 ( 001) 1/4 ( 000). , F. , ACGT (. . ACGT 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3; . J).     ×   ×  ( "", measured   ).  , ,    ,  × , ,    ; , . 

, , ACGT. , 5 (  )    , , . . 5 ( TAL1) E ( GATA1). , : (1) TAL1 2 (2) TAL1 1, (3)  ;  GATA1 ( 1, 2); (4) TAL1 GATA1 0, (5) , , , ( ; , . 5). 

× (2) TAL1 1 ( . H). (4), 0 ( ).  Guided Backprop × input, gradient × input (3), ,    7,    logodds (, ). , Guided Backprop × input gradient × input (. 6). . 2. ( y) . 

 DeepLIFT: (DeepLIFT-Rescale), RevealCancel  (DeepLIFT-RevealCancel)    RevealCancel  (DeepLIFT-fc-RC-conv-RS). MNIST, ,  DeepLIFT-fc-RC-convRS   RevealCancel. , - , 3.5.3;    ,  , ,   , (. 6 ). 

Gradient × inp,  DeepLIFT-Rescale  TAL1 0 (. 5b),  RevealCancel  (. . 6). ,  RevealCancel  . I, (: TAL1, , TAL1, ). 

Figure:  6. RevealCancel allocates TAL1 and GATA1 motives for task 0.
. 6. RevealCancel TAL1 GATA1 0.

(a) PWM- GATA1 TAL1, . (b) , , , TAL1, GATA1. . - GATA1, - TAL1. - TAL1 (CAGTTG CAGATG). TAL1 GATA1 0. RevealCancel   RevealCancel  . 


 DeepLIFT, , «» «» . (. 1), , ,   tanh. DeepLIFT    ( * - . . 2). ,  DeepLIFT-RevealCancel  , (. 3). : ()   DeepLIFT  RNN,(b)   (c) «» (  Maxout  Maxpooling ) . 

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