Impact Analysis: 6 Steps to Make Testing Changes Easier

  • What is Impact Analysis?

  • When should you do Impact Analysis?

  • What is Impact Analysis for?

  • How do I do Impact Analysis?

    • 1. Exploring the issue \ ticket \ bug \ change request *

    • 2. Reading emails **

    • 3. Conversation with developers **

    • 4. Exploring where the change was made ***

    • 5. Exploring the description of changes ***

    • 6. Researching the code of changes *****

  • Why did I decide to write about this?

What is Impact Analysis?

First of all, Impact Analysis (impact analysis) is a study that allows you to indicate the affected areas (affected areas) in the project when developing new or changing old functionality, as well as determine how significantly they were affected.

The affected areas require more attention during regression testing.

Let me note right away so as not to frighten QA: impact analysis is not "reading the code". It includes other methods of research.

When should you do Impact Analysis?

Impact analysis can be useful in the following cases:

  • there are changes in requirements;

  • received a request to make changes to the product;

  • the introduction of a new module or functionality into an existing product is expected ;

  • , .

, , . "" .

Developers are fixing Production Issue
Developers are fixing Production Issue

Impact Analysis?


  • , ;

  • , , , ;

  • , .

Impact Analysis ?

  1. issue\ticket\bug\change request *.

  2. email **.

  3. **.

  4. (commit place) ***.

  5. (commit description) ***.

  6. *****.

'*' " " . , " 6" , " 1-5" QA .

1. issue\ticket\bug\change request *

( *), , - - . , :

  • Steps To Repeat;

  • Description;

  • Additional Background Information;

  • Attachment;

, , . , , , 'Additional Background Information' , HTTPs. , HTTP.

2. emails

, , , :

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • , , .

"**", , "" .

Why wasn't it mentioned in the issue ?!
Why wasn't it mentioned in the issue?!

3. **

QAs and Developers
QAs and Developers

- "" , " " : " , , , \ ". , , , , , .

4. , ***

, , - . , git, , . "" " , \, ". , "" ( , ) , .

File where changes are
File where changes are

, , 'ExtendedClassification' , , Smoke Test .

, - ( JS, HTML, CSS, etc.), .

"***" - , .

5. ***

, QA , , Developers . , (git commits):

Ticket number and title

- Bug:

{ , ?}

- Problem:

{ , ?}

- Fix:

{ }

Changes description
Changes description

, " root ItemType" ( ), , " root ItemType". bug , .

6. *****

- , . , , . , QA . ( ) , use case, .


, - QA. , , , 25 ( , , ). , :


.. , , - , ItemType "HG_Modification Orger", , ( ), ItemType "HG_Modification Orger", ( ). .. ( ). , . , ItemType = "HG_Modification Orger" ItenType != "HG_Modification Orger". 30 . 25 .

, impact analysis .

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