Vaccination for dummies through the eyes of an IT specialist

Lately, I've heard a lot of questions about vaccinations that I myself have asked. The lack of official information and even a consensus among doctors prompted me to write a small FAQ for my friends and parents without complicated terminology with answers to the most common questions about the coronavirus vaccine. All of the following is my personal opinion and the result of the analysis and does not negate the need to consult a doctor.

This article will not answer the question of whether you need to vaccinate or not, but will allow you to get a brief analysis of the already scarce information that is available to us today.

Update January 25, 2021: Antibodies formed after vaccination have been found. True, not for everyone (for more details, see the section on the effectiveness of the vaccine).

In this article we will consider the following questions:

  • Does vaccination guarantee immunity to COVID-19?

  • Can a vaccinated person infect another?

  • Who is vaccinated first?

  • What vaccines are already available in Russia?

  • What is better for me to vaccinate?

  • Can foreign vaccines be vaccinated in Russia?

  • I was told that it is better to be vaccinated with "Vector", what do you mean?

  • Is the vaccine safe?

  • Is the vaccine effective? (Updated 25.01.2021)

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  • Pfizer ?

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Interim results of the people's study Sputnik V: 

Raw data of the results of the people's study is here (raw data):

Satellite Discussion:

Discussion and results for the Vector:

Chinese Cansino discussion: 

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