Is the Russian COVID-19 vaccine so safe? Vaccine support opinion

At the beginning of November 2020, 50 million cases of COVID-19 were registered in the world. For the formation of collective immunity, which should have prevented the occurrence of repeated outbreaks of the disease, this indicator was clearly insufficient [1]. Quarantine measures in our country are also sometimes introduced with a delay, which was actually emphasized by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin [2]. It follows from this that such measures are not able to fully limit the spread of the disease [1]. Therefore, the question of vaccinating part of the population against a new coronavirus infection is still acute.

Nevertheless, despite the skepticism of some people [10], our scientists from the N.F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology were the first in the world to register a two-component vaccine against COVID-19, which, although not unconditionally [7], but successfully showed itself in two stages and shows, in contrast to the similar Oxford  vaccine  [4], objective safety and efficacy in terms of the immune response at all stages [5]. We will finally see the effectiveness of the vaccine itself as a whole at the end of the third stage in May 2021 [7].

Most of the critically negative views about this vaccine, which were previously expressed on Habré by some analysts about hidden sources [10], incorrect schedules and dubious efficacy, were eliminated in the official response to criticism of Bucce [8] in the international journal Lancet [9]. The only question that remained to the vaccine is not complete passage of the second stage, which was also discussed by the famous doctor and popularizer of science Alexei Vodovozov [7]. It should be noted that he very objectively criticized the position of some analysts and representatives of some media on the funeral of the Russian vaccine, noting also the strange requirement to provide the source code [7].

Bucci himself, criticizing the research on the Hamaley vaccine, noted that the results of this study are potentially significant [8]. Therefore, if by the second stage there is still one question about an objective assessment of the effectiveness, then there are no questions about the safety of the vaccine, which is usually checked at the first stage, contrary to the personal opinions of some analysts on Habré [10]. The safety of this  vaccine was  also tested on himself and his family by the famous biologist Alexander Yuryevich Panchin. At the same time, he tested the effect of this vaccine on himself twice [3; 11].

This vaccine is a vector vaccine and contains the following components:

1) two components of human adenovirus not capable of reproduction

2) , "" S — , .

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1) COVID-19 .., , . , . . , , 20 (4), 2020



4)   COVID-19: « » 2020 . .

5) M.M. Shmarov1,2, A.E. Nikonova1, E.S. Sedova1, D.Y. Logunov1,2 RECOMBINANT HUMAN ADENOVIRUSES AS A PLATFORM FOR THE CREATION OF NEW EFFECTIVE AND SAFE VACCINES 1National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after the honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya







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