The Mobile Design Saga, Part 2

With you again Maxim Nikitin, the art director of TechnoFabrika with a saga about mobile design. We move on to the second part, where we will study the topic of convenience, attention, experience, habits and other boring things. 

UI / UX. When designing any mobile design, everything revolves around these four letters. They are so interconnected that they are often written with a slash - UI / UX. Because there is no one without the other, just as there is no vodka without a hangover.

To put it simply, UI (user interface) is how it looks, and UX (user experience) is how it works. More precisely, UX is how the user works with the application, and where he tries to point his finger there. 

That is, UI is about fonts, shadows, gradients and pictures. UX is about the user's journey: this screen will have this, that screen will lead here, it will have this. In the end, we want the user to do this and get the result like this.

And here is the cornerstone of mobile design development - it is necessary that it is not only beautiful, but also convenient. Not only UI, but also UX. Because you can draw anything you want, even the face of Hitler in full screen, like in the comic xkcd. The question is whether anyone other than the developer and the customer can use it.

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Even if it seems boring and a little secondary. Trust me, users will thank you. And most likely - they will not say anything. Because good design is invisible. But the bad one immediately catches your eye and prompts you to remove the nerve-shaking application as quickly as possible.

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