A little bytes here, a little there - and now you are already talking about how memory actually works

My new post was inspired by the latest go quiz. Pay attention to benchmark [1]:

func BenchmarkSortStrings(b *testing.B) {
        s := []string{"heart", "lungs", "brain", "kidneys", "pancreas"}
        for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

As a convenient wrapper around sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(s))

, it sort.Strings

modifies the data passed to it, sorting it, so that not everyone (at least, at least 43% of twitter subscribers) could assume that this would lead to allocations [allocations on the heap]. However, at least in recent versions of Go, this is the case and each iteration of this benchmark will cause one allocation. But why?

As many Go developers should know, interfaces are implemented as a two (machine) word structure . Each interface value contains two fields: one contains the type of the value stored by the interface, and the other contains a pointer to that value. [2]

In pseudocode, it would look like this:

type interface struct {
        //    ,  
        type uintptr

        // ()   ,  
        data uintptr


, 8 . , , []string

24 : , ; ; (capacity). Go 24 8? , . , []string

24 , *[]string

β€” 8.


, sort.Strings


func BenchmarkSortStrings(b *testing.B) {
        s := []string{"heart", "lungs", "brain", "kidneys", "pancreas"}
        for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
                var ss sort.StringSlice = s
                var si sort.Interface = ss // allocation

, var si sort.Interface = ss

, var si sort.Interface = &ss

, ss

[3]. , ss

, ? ss


, ss

[heap], .

  Total:    296.01MB   296.01MB (flat, cum) 99.66%
      8            .          .           func BenchmarkSortStrings(b *testing.B) { 
      9            .          .             s := []string{"heart", "lungs", "brain", "kidneys", "pancreas"} 
     10            .          .             b.ReportAllocs() 
     11            .          .             for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { 
     12            .          .                 var ss sort.StringSlice = s 
     13     296.01MB   296.01MB                 var si sort.Interface = ss // allocation 
     14            .          .                 sort.Sort(si) 
     15            .          .             } 
     16            .          .           } 

, , ss


(, , , - ). , ss

. , : ? , .

% go test -bench=. sort_test.go
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5650U CPU @ 2.20GHz
BenchmarkSortStrings-4          12591951                91.36 ns/op           24 B/op          1 allocs/op
ok      command-line-arguments  1.260s

Go 1.16beta1, amd64, 24 [4].

Go 32 .

% go1.15 test -bench=. sort_test.go
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkSortStrings-4          11453016                96.4 ns/op            32 B/op          1 allocs/op
ok      command-line-arguments  1.225s

: Go. , , [size classes].

, , , [] Go 24 . β€” , . , 24 , 24, . , 24 , , . , , .

, Go 24 , , β€” , . , . , . ? , .

, , , "", . , 24 , . ? , β€” [5].

24 , 8 , . 25% "" β€” , , . ? , 9 , ! - ?

, , . 24- , , , . , β€” , , - 24- . Go , ( , , , C++). , .


, : ? : . , (, ), . .

[6], ( ) . , [7].

, , 9 . , , , 9- . () , , 4. , β€” . 9 12 . , 3 β€” , , .

. Go 1.15 24 , ss

32 . Martin MΓΆhrmann Go 1.16 24 , .

[1] , . .

[2] Go. , Go 1.15 . -, .

[3] , sort.StringSlice

, *sort.StringSlice


[4] 32 , .

[5] 4G (, , 64 ), , [aligment] [padding] ( , , β€” . ).

[6] β€” .

[7] , , .

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