Kotlin Style Guide for Android Developers (Part II)

In principle, I agree with the comments that this topic is superfluous, since there are automatic code formatting tools

And besides, everyone has their own opinion about beauty and aesthetics, so the coding style is subjective.

But I decided to finish this series of articles on Kotlin style, as promised.

Perhaps someone will come in handy.

Well, please, under the cut!


Identifiers of variables, functions, properties, classes use only ASCII letters and numbers (ordinary English letters + 10 digits)

(: _digit, power_

) (: Backing ).


: (: fetchDogs

) (makeRepost


, , :

@Test fun get_emptyList() {
  // ...

, @Composable

(Jetpack Compose ) , , Pascal :

fun MyDog(name: String) {
    // …

, .

Kotlin - val

, get

, . :

(listOf(1, 2, 3)

), , const:

//          const
const val FIVE = 5	
val MY_DOGS = listOf("Dina", "Red")
val EMPTY_ARRAY = arrayOf()


( ).

, , .

, , . .

val viewModel by viewModels<DogViewModel> { viewModelFactory }
val firstName = "Anna"
val dogs = listOf(Dog("Dina"), Dog("Red"))
lateinit var binding: ListItemBinding

fun fetchDogs(page: Int): List<Dog> {
	// ...

backing :

    private val _dogs = MutableLiveData<List<Dog>>()
    val dogs: LiveData<List<Dog>>
        get() = _dogs

generic :

  • ( , : T1, T2, R1


  • generic , T (: RequestT, ResponseT


, generic .

Pascal (: SleepingDog

- ).

(: MyCar

- )

. (: Cloneable, Readable, Writable


class MainActivity(): AppCompatActivity() {
  // ...

interface OnItemListener {
	fun onItemClick(id: Long)

interface Readable {}

: :

package com.example.android.marsRealeState.overview

package com.example.android.mars_reale_state.overview

// OK
package com.example.android.marsrealestate.overview


enum :

enum class NetworkStatus { 

: , :

enum class NetworkStatus {
  	override fun toString() = "loading..." 

, .

, :

@Component(modules = [DatabaseModule::class])
interface AppComponent {
  // ...

//     ,       
@JvmField @Volatile
var disposable: Disposable? = null

//          :
@Inject lateinit var viewModelFactory: DogViewModelFactory


override fun toString(): String = "My name is $name"
override fun toString() = "My name is $name"

private val redDog: Dog = Dog("Red")
private val redDog = Dog("Red")


KDoc :

fun fetchDogs(page: Int) {
    // …


/**      */



  • , (*


  • : @constructor






  • KDoc , (: "This function returns sum of digits").

, KDoc , , , public API.

, , :

// ,   .
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

, , , .

: KDoc , .


, , : , , Android Studio, !

: " Android ?"


  1. Kotlin ( )

  2. Backing

  3. Generic

  4. Jetpack Compose

  5. Kotlin ( )

All Articles