PHP 8 continues the development of an open source programming language

Hello, Habr! In anticipation of the start of the course "PHP-developer", we invite you to an open online lesson on the topic "What's new?" ... As part of the lesson, we will look at the innovations in the language and apply them in practice, and also see if JIT is really so good.

And now we are sharing the traditional translation of useful material.

The first major update in recent years to the widespread web programming language PHP brought us new features that can help further increase its prevalence and relevance.

In the early days of the Internet, the open source PHP programming language was at the very center of all web development. Its new 8.0 release aims to make it more relevant to the next generation of developers.

25 , PHP «P» LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), -. , Python JavaScript, PHP , , Go Rust, .

PHP , . PHP 8.0, (26 ), , JIT-, PHP.

, , .

«PHP », - , Evans Data, ITPro Today.


Global Development Survey 2020 Evans Data ( ) 79% PHP - , .

« , » - .

PHP -. RedMonk Programming Language Rankings 2020 PHP , JavaScript, Python Java. TIOBE PHP - 2020 .

Stack Overflow PHP , PHP .

PHP 1995 , . PHP Zend, , Perforce Software.

« PHP 8. , - . «@nikita_ppv [ Jetbrains] @dstogov [ Zend] PHP. . PHP 8 , ."


PHP - , ITPro Today ', - Zend. - , , , PHP « » « », , . , ' , .

2015 PHP 7.0, , ; PHP 8.0 . PHP 8 " " - , , '.

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. PHP, ', , , . , «constructor property promotion», , .

PHP 8.0 , , ', . , «» «», . , - , - , . PHP , PHP 8 ​​ , «» .

PHP 8 (Just in Time)

JIT- (Just in Time) PHP 8.0 PHP.

«JIT , », - '. « PHP -, , ».

, PHP / (I/O bound), , , , API . JIT PHP , .

« PHP 25-, , - , », - '. " , , , , JIT, , , ML [ ], - , , . , , PHP ».


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