Introducing Quarkus at Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat is very serious about the future of Java, which remains the most popular language for enterprise application development. Almost two-thirds of all programmers in the world identify themselves as "moderate or avid" users of Java, which has been ranked among the top three programming languages ​​in the TIOBE ranking for 18 consecutive years. We can safely say that despite the unprecedented choice and availability of new programming languages, Java remains the de facto standard for developing mission-critical business applications. At Red Hat, we are committed to supporting Java developers and paving the way for them to continue to innovate.

Among the many technologies designed to preserve the role and place of Java in the cloud realities of the future, one of the most promising is Quarkus, a framework for developing Kubernetes-native Java applications. Quarkus was originally conceived as a way to optimize Java for containerized environments and, as a result, has the potential to dramatically increase developer productivity and reduce operational costs, becoming a key component of containerized workloads. Despite its youth and rapid growth, Quarkus has already become a significant player in the development technology market and sets a new format for programmers' work. Today we are pleased to announce that Quarkus is now part of Red Hat OpenShift, an important step for the future of Java as a tool for developing modern cloud applications.

Quarkus on Red Hat OpenShift

Quarkus was fully supported and available through the Red Hat Runtimes before , but it is now included with and fully integrated with Red Hat OpenShift, making development even easier. Developers get familiar tools, remote development on clusters using IDEs such as CodeReady Workspaces, managed configuration integration, serverless workload deployment, and application repository management.

Quarkus includes several components for development and deployment on OpenShift:

  • Quarkus- – , , , , , OpenShiftPlugins CodeReady Workspaces, , , Quarkus, OpenShift IDE.

  • (health checks), , Prometheus

  • Quarkus serverless- OpenShift.

  • Knative- .

  Kubernetes API, generic API client Kubernetes ConfigMaps Secrets.

Migration Toolkit for Applications

Migration Toolkit for Applications, Spring Boot Quarkus OpenShift. , Java- ( ) . Migration Toolkit for Applications Containerization, OpenJDK Linux Spring Boot Quarkus OpenShift, .

Quarkus , , :

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