Is it really impossible to do without kafokas and rabbits when you receive 10,000 events per second?

I once hosted a webinar on how to receive 10,000 events per second. He showed this picture, the audience saw a lilac layer, and it began: "Guys, why do we need all these kafkas and rabbit, can we really not do without them?" We answered: "Why, why, to pass the social security!" 

Very funny, but let me explain it anyway.



, , . Kafka, Rabbit . , . 

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resource "yandex_compute_instance_group" "events-api-ig" {
  name               = "events-api-ig"
  service_account_id =

. CPU, , ..

instance_template {
    platform_id = "standard-v2"
    resources {
      memory = 2
      cores  = 2
    boot_disk {
      mode = "READ_WRITE"
      initialize_params {
        image_id =
        size = 10

, .

    network_interface {
      network_id =
      subnet_ids = [,,]
      nat = true

β€” scale_policy.

fixed scale A, B, C.

scale_policy {
    fixed_scale {
      size = 3

  allocation_policy {
    zones = ["ru-central1-a", "ru-central1-b", "ru-central1-c"]

auto_scale β€” .

scale_policy {
auto_scale {
    initial_size = 3
    measurment_duration = 60
    cpu_utilization_target = 60
    min_zone_size = 1
    max_size = 6
    warmup_duration = 60
    stabilization_duration = 180

, , β€” cpu utilization target. , . .

, .

- load-. , 80, - β€” 8080. 

, Yandex.Tank . 20 5 . 

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(A, B C), , . .

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, , CPU . :

golang. .

package main

import (

 β€” ., API Metrics. rabbitmq.

, .

var (
    // Config options
    addr     = flag.String("addr", ":8080", "TCP address to listen to")
    kafka    = flag.String("kafka", "", "Kafka endpoints")
    enableKafka    = flag.Bool("enable-kafka", false, "Enable Kafka or not")
amqp    = flag.String("amqp", "amqp://guest:guest@", "AMQP URI")
enableAmqp    = flag.Bool("enable-amqp", false, "Enable AMQP or not")
sqsUri    = flag.String("sqs-uri", "", "SQS URI")
sqsId    = flag.String("sqs-id", "", SQS Access id")
sqsSecret    = flag.String("sqs-secret", "", "SQS Secret key")
enableSqs    = flag.Bool("enable-sqs", false, "Enable SQS or not")


    // Declaring prometheus metrics
    apiDurations = prometheus.NewSummary(
            Name:       "api_durations_seconds",
            Help:       "API duration seconds",
            Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},

β€” ().

β€” .


β€” .

β€” amqp .

β€” sqs ..

. prometheus .

main , Load.

sqs, ..

http :

/status okey, load-, .

/post/kafka, . /post/amqp /post/sqs.

β€” , . , .

- . , SSD ( , ), zookeeper. 200 ! β€” Β« Β», . 120 .

, β€” CPU, , - . , .

: topic, , . topic 50 partitions. .

, topic load 3 . Partition 1 Kafka 1, β€” 2, β€” 3. . , , , . .

50 , 50 1 β€” 50 . .

zookeeper. 3 . , , 2 . 2 2 . , : Β«, Β», 2 .


terraform-, .

3 : resource β€œyandex compute instance” β€œzookeeper count = 3”.

β€œzookeeper_deploy”, . , , . . ansible .

, , .


, , . , ! , .

β€” exchanges , delayed messages, deadletter . . , . β€” . , , . β€” .

. , , .

β€” RabbitMQ. β€” , , .. β€” kafka. .

: .

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