What is normal ferritin level?


About the threshold value of ferritin The

price lists of laboratories present to those who like to treat causes instead of symptoms an extensive arsenal of searching for unliquidated deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.

Such analyzes must meet several criteria:

  • Deviations are common in the general population - otherwise the work will not pay off.
  • It is not difficult to fill the deficit and get a nice number on a piece of paper - after all, all ingenious is simple.
  • The concept of "illness" is clear and the comfort of the target audience - a complex idea is difficult to sell.

An added bonus is the wide range of the norm. When the reference analysis is 0.4-4.0 mIU / l, you will not play too much, although there are dreamers here too. With a range of 30-120 ng / ml, you can always come up with a convenient border of the norm and refer to the possession of really working tools from closed telegram channels.

We will not go into esotericism and discuss microelements in hair, microbiota in the intestines and reflected microvibrations of Mercury retrograde in DNA. Why invent a wheel when we have TSH, vitamin D and ferritin.

Ferritin fully meets the specified criteria. Iron deficiency is common, especially among the target audience of Instagram for an obvious reason. It is not difficult to prescribe an iron preparation before reaching a given figure, and the abundance of forms of preparations from chewing gum to droppers gives a great opportunity for combinations and inflating expertise. The concept of iron deficiency is very accessible, and any symptom from dry skin to decreased libido after 10 years of marriage can be put into it.

Plus, ferritin has a very wide reference range, which is very convenient. What game on the Internet about the terrible latent iron deficiency just do not write. Ferritin should be as large as body weight. Or like age. Or as body weight + age. Or as age + current euro exchange rate, and if the patient's indicator still fits into the indicated values, then you can always make an adjustment for future inflation.

Recently, a colleague told a case when a ferritin of 60 ng / ml was found in a pregnant woman at the 5th week and was told to URGENT to run on droppers with iron, otherwise she would not give birth. And in order to give birth to a hero, then droppers with iron must be made in a special place according to the promotional code. God forgive me.

In decent places, they talk about a severe iron deficiency with ferritin at 12-15 ng / ml. With this level, we can talk about iron deficiency with a sensitivity of 99%, but a specificity of 57%. Due to the low specificity, most experts write about a cut-off value of 30 ng / ml, which corresponds to a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 98%. I suggest you focus on it and you.

To become an iron man, you need to be a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. Droppers with iron will not help much here. If you really want to increase your ferritin, you can lick the railings in public transport. Ferritin will take off at a very good pace. With the potential bonus of anosmia, fever, frosted glass and a couple of weeks at home.

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