Installing discourse on Ubuntu 16.04

This article covers the installation of discourse in a development environment, then in production, launching sidekiq and initial configuration (except for the email configuration required to activate accounts by email and send notifications, as well as https).

Installation in a development environment

1. Connect to the PostgreSQL DBMS using psql -U postgres and create the discourse_development database and the discourse_user user , to whom we grant access rights to this database.

create database discourse_development;
create user discourse_user;
alter user discourse_user with encrypted password 'your_preferred_password';
alter database discourse_development owner to discourse_user;


Then, also in the psql console, connect to the created database, execute a couple of commands and exit.

\c discourse_development;
create extension hstore;
create extension pg_trgm;

2. Clone the discourse files . If your PostgreSQL version is lower than 12 ( psql --version ), roll them back to version 2.4.0.beta11 , which was released on February 13, 2020 (if I read the git log correctly ).

For this. firstly, there is a team

git clone

To rollback to the February version, enter

git checkout 2136d4b5d535ca1fb83bd015502741d53301a61f

3. Install the gems with the bundle install command , after deleting / renaming Gemfile.lock

4. In config / database.yml, add the username and password values , as well as the encoding: utf8 and template: template0 lines and run bundle exec rake db: migrate .

5. Start the web server for Rails with the command

UNICORN_PORT=3002 bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.conf.rb

6. Set up a reverse proxy server nginx, add in config / environments / development.rb line config.hosts << ""

Screenshot 1. The contents of the file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/discourse.conf

Note 1 Lines location / assets / {... and the location / images / {... are needed to run in a production environment, it's actually too early to add them to run in a development environment.

Restart nginx with the command /etc/init.d/nginx restart

7. Restart unicorn : to stop, enter kill -QUIT `cat tmp / pids /`, to restart, enter the command from item 5. Done.

Installation in a development environment

1. We create a database in the same way, only the name of the database is specified not discourse_development , but discourse .

2. Create the config / discourse.conf file with the command

cp config/discourse_defaults.conf config/discourse.conf

Then we specify the values db_name , db_username , db_password , as well as hostname (discourse, discourse_user, your_preferred_password,, respectively) in it.

3. Install the required packages with the command

sudo apt install optipng pngquant jhead jpegoptim gifsicle 

and execute the command, for the execution of which we installed them without errors:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate 

4. Install one more package necessary for the next command using

sudo apt install brotli

and enter the command, for which we installed it without errors

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

5. Add the lines location / assets / {... and location / images / {... (see screenshot 1) to the nginx configuration file , if they are not there yet, and restart nginx .

6. Stop unicorn (see the command above) and start it in the production environment with the command

RAILS_ENV=production UNICORN_PORT=3002 bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.conf.rb

Sidekiq launch

1. Create an administrator account with the command

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake admin:create

and restart unicorn .

2. To run sidekiq in the config / sidekiq.yml file, copy the configuration lines for the development environment for the production environment (see screenshot 2) and add the line to config / environments / production.rb (in the case when Redis 3.0.6 is installed on the OS)

Redis.exists_returns_integer = false

Screenshot 2.

After that, run sidekiq with the command

bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml

3. Check the existence of the running process sidekiq with the command

ps aux | grep sidekiq

Initial setup

By opening the address of your forum in the browser and logging into it with the credentials from clause 1 of the "Launching sidekiq" part, you can see the topics on the initial setup and read them.

Screenshot 3. After authorization in discourse

Instructions used when writing the article :

Install Discourse Forum Software on Ubuntu 18.04 Without Docker

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