The fight against robocalls goes to a new level - US telecoms will limit unwanted activity

We will tell you how the fight against "telephone spam" is developing in the United States, what regulators have already achieved, and how they plan to consolidate their successes - further helping citizens fight off the growing flurry of unwanted calls with advertisements and fraudulent attempts to obtain funds during the crisis.

Unsplash / Ray W
Unsplash / Ray W

(Federal Communications Commission, FCC) . 50 , . FCC , -. , , , , $200 1%.

, FCC . , - SHAKEN/STIR — , .

, (Federal Trade Commission, FTC). , , — FCC — $3 .

Unsplash / Devin Kaselnak
Unsplash / Devin Kaselnak

«Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act» , , . , c FCC — T-Mobile, Sprint, Comcast AT&T SHAKEN/STIR. , .

FCC , . , . . — , — .

, , . . , - .

Unsplash / Engin Akyurt
Unsplash / Engin Akyurt

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SHAKEN/STIR. - , , , — . «»  , - .

GDPR, , , .


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