Identify the enemy: how MITER TTPs help identify the attacker

The number of ways that hacker groups use to attack companies seems endless, but in reality they are not. Almost all tactics and techniques of cybercriminals have been analyzed and documented in the public MITER ATT & CK database. In this post, we will tell you how, during the investigation of a real incident, using the MITER ATT & CK base helped us figure out which group attacked the client company.

Initial analysis

We were approached by a company, one of the servers in the network of which was constantly exchanging data with a third-party Internet server. After initial examination, it turned out that this traffic contained data and commands that were exchanged between the malware and the attacker's C&C server.

: , , , . , .

, 62 . 10 13 , , 22 -. , , .

Basic analysis of the incident based on the collected data.  Source: Trend Micro
. : Trend Micro

, DLL, cmd.exe. ProcDump Mimikatz. IPC . Schtasks, wmic-.

PDF MS Office, , .

, , MITRE ATT&CK,  โ€” APT3 APT32.

Techniques from the MITER ATT & CK database and their use in attack.  Source: Trend Micro
MITRE ATT&CK . : Trend Micro

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PowerShell- MySQL

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  • Procdump โ€” LSASS;

  • Mimikatz โ€” ;

  • NBTScan โ€” .

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    A scenario for using a file dropper to steal passwords and transfer them to the command and control server.  Source: Trend Micro
. : Trend Micro

, , dll. , dll. , dll -, Procdump .

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โ„– 1

, dll FTP. .

Kit Procedures and Techniques # 1. Source: Trend Micro.
โ„– 1. : Trend Micro.

Lotus Blossom

. Trip, Lotus Blossom. ,  โ„– 1:

Lotus Blossom set tactics and techniques.  Source: Trend Micro
Lotus Blossom. : Trend Micro

โ„– 2

, APT-. , RAR-. . dll, . , .



, APT32. , . , .

OceanLotus Tactics and Technique Set.  Source: Trend Micro
OceanLotus. : Trend Micro

OceanLotus APT32 . , , .

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, , , . , , sideloaded-DLL.

, MITRE, . , . , APT, . , .

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