Welcome to DINS JS EVENING: disassembling Chrome DevTools and Cypress

At the meetup, Andrey Sokolov from DINS will tell you how to make debugging easier for developers using Chrome DevTools. Konstantin Pozdnikin from Usetech will show how Cypress helps to deal with bugs in projects with complex business logic. During the live broadcast, you can ask questions to the speakers. Participation is free, but you need to register . Detailed program and information about speakers - under the cut. 


19:00-19:40 — Chrome DevTools ( , DINS) 

Chrome DevTools , . , .

: elements, console, source network. , , .  

, UI: , QA-, -.

— Frontend Developer DINS. Telegram-. 

19:40-20:30 — Cypress - ( , Usetech)

- , props, . , , . 

, API unit- frontend, backend . , Cypress — . , Cypress Selenium, .  

Middle .

— Usetech. . 

, . . 



DINS IT EVENING — Java, DevOps, QA JS. , . , , — itevening@dins.ru!

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