Wine 6.0 released: what's new?

A whole year has passed since the release of Wine 5.0, and the developers have presented a stable release of Wine 6.0. There are many updates, there are over 8300 changes in the new version of Wine. The main thing worth noting is the delivery of basic Wine modules in PE format, a backend based on the Vulkan graphical API for WineD3D, an updated text console, the appearance of DirectShow support and the Media Foundation framework.

At the moment, the normal operation of 5049 Windows applications has been officially confirmed. With additional configuration Wine 6.0 can run 4227 more applications. Some of them are unstable, but in general there are many more than 10 thousand Windows programs running under Wine.

So what's new?

Appearance of modules in PE format

  • DLL-, Windows-, PE ELF. NTDLL, KERNEL32, GDI32 USER32. , , , .
  • Unix- PE- Unix- -. , API Win32 - . Unix- ยซsoยป- PE-.
  • Winelib, . , , . Wine 6.0, libwine .
  • PE- . .

  • , . API Direct2D.
  • Wine sRGB , .
  • , null .
  • DDS DDS (DirectDraw Surface) JPEG-XR. GIF.
  • Vulkan API Vulkan 1.2.162. JSON , Vulkan.
  • , meta-.


  • , , . Direct3D 12 API Vulkan. libvkd3d-shader, 4 5 SPIR-V. , , , , .
  • Direct3D 11, , , MSAA (Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing) .
  • Direct3D 9 - (alpha-to-coverage).
  • OpenGL-, EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled ARB_buffer_storage.
  • .
  • D3DX, ID3DXFont, ID3D12ShaderReflection , 3DX10GetImageInfoFromMemory().

  • Windows, .
  • win9x.
  • NT, .
  • NetlO.sys, , .
  • ntdll AVX- x86.

  • winex11.drv XRandR 1.4 .
  • API X11, OpenGL Vulkan .

  • Rawinput.
  • Windows USB-, LibUSB.
  • .
  • .
  • Plug&Play.

  • Gecko 2.47.2.
  • API WebSocket.
  • LDAP Active Directory.

  • Wine Media Foundation, Media Session, Streaming Audio Renderer (SAR), Video Renderer, EVR mixer, Topology Loader Media Engine.
  • AMStream (ActiveMovie Multimedia Streaming).
  • Video Mixing Renderer. , (windowless) (renderless), , (letterboxing) .
  • DirectShow File Writer DirectX Media Object (DMO) Wrapper.
  • XACT3 Engine (Cross-platform Audio Creation Tool, xactengine3_*.dll), FAudio.

C Runtime

  • PE, MinGW runtime .
  • Winegcc C runtime UCRTBase.
  • C runtime Windows c UTF-8.

  • Windows Winegcc PDB DLL PE.
  • DLL '-Wl,--out-implib'.
  • LLVM-MinGW - PE-.
  • WineLib.

  • Now you can configure the version of the Windows environment directly from the command line.
  • Improved handling of shell folders. The standard Downloads and Templates folders have appeared.
  • The Dbus interface is used to connect external drives.
  • Implemented utility WHOAMI to display the name of the current user.

A complete list of changes can be found on the developers website .

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