Source code reader

Studying android development, I wanted to create something, but there were no ideas. I already made one program for reading the source codes, but the algorithm there was terrible and I abandoned the project. But a few days ago I decided to write something again, especially since I subscribed to packpub and looked at how to create a custom ui for android. Before that, several years ago, I read a book on ui in Russian and there was a lot of text about how to create your own ui. I could not understand then. The first source code reader was on the textview and I parsed the code and made html tags out of it. This turned out to be not the best option. After reading the book, I realized that all you need to inherit from one widget and redefine several functions. So I started a new version of the program from scratch.

I had an idea to make text with shadows, it would look cool, but I did not find an available function for working with shadows, but I did find blur (blur). It looks really cool. It's like you are looking at a sacred text. Each word is positioned separately. When we move the screen up, then when we move, the algorithm finds the text that is still in the field of view of the screen and, when drawing, starts drawing immediately from the position where the text is visible on the screen and finishes drawing when the position goes off the screen. There is a program settings window, here it is. It immediately shows how to change the appearance of the program.

I also thought about how to make tabs and also came up with. Tabs can be scrolled horizontally because they are in the horizontal scroll view. This is what the main window looks like with open tabs.

So far, the program only supports five languages: C, C ++, C #, JAVA, JS. I'm thinking about adding more support for other languages. Maybe other languages ​​will be available as paid option, or maybe free. I would like the code to please the eye, and with such a program I also want to read the code of other programs more.

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