Lobbyist Wars and the Development of BIM. Part 4: The fight between CAD and BIM. Monopolies and lobbyists in the construction industry

In the last article: Part 3: The Fathers of BIM Technologies. Who is behind the success of Autodesk and openBIM was shown how all the BIM tool development teams are connected to each other and how each development team, borrowing ideas from each other, tried to make its own unique BIM program. At the same time, almost all significant ideas or developments were not created by large corporations: Autodesk, Nemetschek Group, or Hexagon simply bought startups on time from disgruntled former employees of their competitors.

Corporations are only engaged in product support and promotion, while small startups are engaged in the development and creation of breakthrough ideas.

Thank you very much to everyone who left their comments and criticism under the previous articles. Special thanks to some users for buying coffee and maintaining content. Also thanks to everyone who shared the information that was touched on in the first parts, and to those who wrote me private messages: 

Thanks for your feedback. Thanks to your criticism and your additions, the BIM history map looks more complete (now there is a version number and a date next to the name of the map to make it easier to track changes, and current prices for using software licenses have been added )

Also, now this map is available for commenting: to add a comment to this diagram or to consider in more detail individual fragments of the map, follow the link: BIM development map from 1980 to the present

, , - , . 

CAD BIM, Autodesk buildingSMART,  openBIM .


, BIM , CAD 80- ,   CAD . CAD 80- - : IBM / Dassault (CADAM CATIA), Computervision (CADDS), SDRC (I-DEAS Intergraph (IGDS InterAct). 90- . .

, 1988 1990, PTC . , Pro/Engineer PTC 3D CAD/MCAD, ( ) , Sketchpad 1962 . 90- Pro/Engineer CAD , . 

, BIM, 10 , - , 10 - - 1986 PTC. , 1988 , Pro/Engineer.


2002 , Autodesk - Building Information Modeling - BIM.


In 2002, Autodesk released a white paper entitled "Building Information Modeling, and other software vendors also started to assert their involvement in the field”.


" 2002 Autodesk « , »."

2002 Autodesk ( ) 3D CAD AutoCAD, “” 1982 Mike Riddle John Walker ( CEO Autodesk) - - Autodesk. 

1992 John Walker CEO - Carol Bartz, Autodesk 42 .$ . , Autodesk c 1992 2002, , Mike Riddle ( AutoCAD) , AutoCAD, Autodesk , AutoCAD Architectural Desktop ( ).

Autodesk , VersaCAD, IntelliCAD, AutoSketch, , .

Autodesk, 2002 3D BIM , white paper BIM, ? 

2002 Autodesk Revit , Autodesk, white paper BIM, . 

6 Revit : , 1988 Pro/Engineer.

Autodesk Solidworks ( Pro/Engineer), IntelliCADD, 2001 - Revit - CEO Autodesk Carol Ann Bartz, “” , Revit « »

  ,  Autodesk 130 . $ PTC, , , Solidworks Digital Project ( 2018 Autodesk Plangrid: - -  $875 . CEO Autodesk - Carol Ann Bartz).

2000- Digital Project, SolidWorks, Catia , , , 2005 .

, , Revit 90-, 10 , , - .

BIM Revit 

2002 , Revit, Autodesk 3D - , Autodesk 90- - Solidworks “ ” Autodesk ( 1997 Solidworks 310 . $ Dassault Systemes)

- Autodesk -  Phil Bernstein Jim Lynch - White Paper - Building Information Modeling ( Revit) BIM- . 

, 2003 , , , - BIM.

CAD BIM , Autodesk BIM, , , 2003 Revit- ? 

Google CAD BIM . CAD BIM " "(G20) 2004 2020 . 

4 , , , , 2003 : 

  • “AutoCAD” - 2D

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  • “Archicad” - openBIM, 2000 3D  

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, , , ( ). , , , . Google Trends : 100 , 0 — .

: “Autocad, Revit, Archicad, BIM”  , G20 2004 2020 . 

, , , Revit, White Paper BIM, CAD . , :

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  • (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, South Africa) BIM (, BIM, Revit) 2021 2D AutoCAD

  • BIM , , , Autodesk, , openBIM

  • ( ) ( ) BIM .

insight : , ( 2020 - lockdown )   , AutoCAD BIM Revit. , , - BIM Revit.

, AutoCAD, 2D . , , Revit, 90- PRO/Engineer.

, , Revit Autodesk, .

Revit - Autodesk

40 Autodesk, CAD BIM. Autodesk 90- 2000- . “ ” Autodesk. 

Revit - , , - 2004 Autodesk . Autodesk Revit, Revit , .

2020 Autodesk , - Autodesk. 2020 , , Zaha Hadidis.

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( 3: BIM . Autodesk openBIM) , .

Autodesk, , 40 Autodesk :

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, Autodesk .  - Autodesk . closedBIM c openBIM - . 

“” Autodesk, ( ) 90- 2D 3D IFC IAI.  .

, openBIM - , Autodesk?!

openBIM - Revit?

Revit , openBIM -  IFC. 

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. openBIM Nemetschek Group : Allplan Archicad. , , , IFC, - . 

IFC - ( Autodesk). C 1997 , . - buildingSMART International. 

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, BIM, Max Bögl, Goldbeck, Hochtief / - closedBIM Revit.

“” openBIM, ?


, openBIM. 1995 Autodesk IFC -, IAI -  . , 1997 , Autodesk “ ”  “ ” ( )

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( welt.de 2014 ) , , BASF, : , , , . , , , , - , , . , “ ”

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( “Handelsblatt”) - Martin Herrenknecht ( ), :

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, “- ” ,   RVT IFC . 

( ), , ?! 

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? , .

, , , , , , . : Warburg, BNP, Blackrock (. : BIM development map) "" . , . , , .

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, -  closedBIM openBIM BIM - . .

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, .

, , c BimOpenSource. , : https://t.me/BimOpenSourceChannel

, , . ‍ !

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