How medical devices should beep so doctors don't go crazy doing their job

Voice assistants and other sound design are actively developing now. Companies select the tone of voice for assistants, make even several of them, so that everyone can find a suitable one in mood and timbre. But in many other areas, less attention is paid to sound design.

For example, there is a sound standard for all heart monitors, ventilation systems and other vital pieces. On the ISO / IEC 60601-1-8 page, you can listen to the signals (but you probably already have a rough idea of ​​them if you've watched at least one medical series). 

Anesthesiologist Dr. Block, who was on the committee that adopted the standard, then said, "We did our best, but the sounds were mostly terrible." It turned out that the tunes were not tested before being applied. 

The signals were created in such a way as to encrypt the phrase in themselves, so the number of syllables coincides with the number of notes, and pauses between syllables are repeated.

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Sen Sound, . 

Sibley Memorial Hospital noise map by Sen Sound
Sibley Memorial Hospital, Sen Sound

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: general, perfusion, cardiovascular, drug administration, oxygen, power down, temperature, ventilation, medium priority, low priority. 

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β€” IEC

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β€” Word Rhythms 

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β€” Auditory Icons 

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β€” Auditory Icons + Ident

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β€” Resilient

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21 , 25 , 25 , 72 .

44 , 24 , 45 , 44 , 38 . 

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Percentage of correct answers

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The percentage of correctly recognized answers for each melody

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IEC . , 300 4000 , . 

124 , .

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On the left - the percentage of correctly recognized sounds, on the right - the reaction time depending on the set of sounds
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, Auditory Icons ( Auditory Icons + Ident)  World Rhythms. . 

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On the left - the dependence of the recognition accuracy depending on the speaker from which the sound was heard, on the right - the reaction time
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SenSound, by the way, ended up like this


The Recognizability and Localizability of Auditory Alarms: Setting Global Medical Device Standards Judy Edworthy, Scott Reid, Plymouth University, Devon, UK, SinΓ© McDougall, Bournemouth University, Poole, Dorset, UK, Jonathan Edworthy, Stephanie Hall, Danielle Bennett, James Khan , Ellen Pye, Plymouth University, Devon, UK

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