Sony MZ-RH1 - the latest mini disc recorder

Sooner or later, any task that you have been working on for many years, put your soul and time into it, ceases to be relevant. The management transfers the budget and resources to hot areas, talented colleagues looking for new challenges leave. At the same time, there is a huge list of ideas, a backlog of improvements, still work and work, but no - the market has left in the other direction, technologies have changed, top management, who previously called on the carpet every day, no longer even remembers the former flagship product. In most cases, the decline of technology is dull and boring: network efficiency, price and marketing play a role, not innovation. Late cassette recorders and modems are an example of this withering away.

But not a minidisk! In 2006, this media celebrates its 14th anniversary and Sony is releasing the very latest portable player and recorder. 15 years later, the Sony MZ-RH1 is the most expensive (apart from professional equipment) historical artifact for connoisseurs of the format. At the time of its appearance on sale, everything was already clear: the future is not even so much for players on flash memory as for smartphones, which "ate" the functionality of individual devices for recording and playing sound. Removable media, any, will soon be of no use to anyone, and you can quietly wind up your business. But no! The latest mini-disc player received a unique design, the most modern technologies, added new features, including one that is not available in any other device. It allows you to copy music not only from a computer to a minidisk,but also in the opposite direction, including even original minidisks of the earliest standard.

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  • Sony MZ-1 ,

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MP3- flash-. Apple iPod 80- , 2000 . , 2001 , NetMD, , , . : ATRAC 3 132 64 , 160 320 , .

Sony MZ-RH1 . , Hi-MD . 2004 . : Atrac3Plus 48 352 , CD-. 2005 , MP3 - . , 2006 Sony MZ-RH1: .

, . . Apple iPod 30 60 iPod Nano -. : , , . "Hi-MD HDD Flash, MZ-RH1 , ", -. Sony MZ-M200 , .

: (14,7 ), . ( 12 ), Sony MZ-1 1992 :

- OLED. : , -. USB 2.0. - . 19 12 . , . : 349 . Hi-MD 7 , "" - 300 .

2020 . Sony MZ-RH1 349 , Ebay . 300-600 , - : . Hi-MD 20-50 . , . :

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, , , , . , . Hi-MD 2004 - Sony MZ-NH600.

, , . MZ-RH1 OLED-, , . . , 15 : 400 .

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, . . Hi-MD : - . , ATRAC ATRAC3, . , - , , .

Sony MZ-RH1 - . Sony , . , MZ-RH1 - , . - .

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Sony MZ-RH1 : , . : . OLED-, , . , : Hi-MD , . , : . MD , Hi-MD, , . - , , , .

MZ-RH1 . , , . Sony, , , . , - , , . MZ-RH1 - , . , .

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