Excursion to "Novo-Sverdlovskaya" CHP

There is a lot of information about how thermal power plants work at school, so I will try to show and tell what impressed me. I was there in the 15th year, now I came across pictures and thought, maybe who will be interested?

Although no one was going to let us go anywhere, everyone who enters the territory is dressed in helmets, a special set for guests.

Passed the instructions and signed for the safety precautions:

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It was also mentioned that the station with two fuel gas + peat (it seems that there are requirements that any CHPP should have reserve fuel), but in fact it never worked on peat and the railway from the Tyumen region for the transportation of peat was seen only in the project. The same story was told about the gas source - according to the requirements, there must be two sources, otherwise the commission will not accept. Therefore, in a couple of hundred meters, the pipe was divided and two pipes were brought to the station.

Well that's all, I hope it was interesting.

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