Arduino and Chinese weather station sensors

As you know, whatever you do on Arduino - you get a weather station.

It seems that I gave up doing crafts on the Arduino, but for a long time I had not defeated sensors from a Chinese weather station. The sensors are not quite ordinary. Regular ones work at a frequency of 433 MHz, and send data in OOK modulation ( ).

And these - operate at a frequency of 868 MHz and as it turned out - FSK modulation.

868 , . , . .

, . - . , - . - FSK OOK. .

cc1101, - cc113L.

. .


" 433 MQTT/UDP" " MQTT/UDP" . :

- (. ).


  • 868

  • FSK

  • - 10 . .

  • ( ) ID

  • CRC

As a result, when receiving data from these weather sensors, the data comes almost always (at normal range). When not normal, I have not experienced it yet.

This development can be useful to all creators of meteorological stations and for the implementation of all kinds of climatic installations, which require autonomous temperature and humidity sensors.

Freebie, sir!

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