My personal optics for Sony full frame mirrorless camera for non-professional use

I want to tell you about the best lenses for Sony full frame mirrorless cameras in my opinion. That is, from the point of view of an amateur, not a professional. 

But first you need to decide - what is the difference between a professional and an amateur, as I see it? Professional camera use is when you get paid directly for your services as a photographer or cameraman. If you are filming family, friends, colleagues, then this is an amateur filming. Even if you shoot materials for your blog, which you somehow monetize, then this is also an amateur shooting. Because in this case, despite the indirect earnings (you pay yourself for the services of a photographer or operator), you do not have to compete with other photographers-operators and prove to the client that you will cope with the task better. 

The next point, professionals often focus on one type of task in order to do them as well as possible. For example, someone shoots only a subject, and someone - only portraits or landscapes. Videographers may specialize in street reporting or studio work with artificial lighting or whatever. Each of these tasks implies its own set of tools and a professional can afford to buy the best equipment, specifically for his specific task. Hobbyists are often forced to have a versatile set of equipment within a reasonable budget. Speaking of budget. I will proceed from the idea that a sufficient set of amateur lenses costs about the same as the camera itself. In rubles, it will now be in the range of 100-250 tr. for Sony full-frame mirrorless cameras.

I have been shooting with Sony mirrorless cameras for 4 years, for the last two years I have been using both crop and full frame. During this time I have tried dozens of lenses and at the moment I have some well-established concept regarding the used optics.

I prefer fixes. As a rule, one staged amateur shooting implies one location, so there is absolutely no problem with comfortably getting by with one or two fixes. Travel is another matter, in this case it is difficult to imagine what awaits you, so you have to take a zoom with you. I often had a telephoto lens in addition to a fix. 

But it's time to get down to specifics.

1 place

, , Zeiss Batis 2/40 CF. . , , 35 , 50 . ( ). . 24 - , , . a7R, . A7m3. - 100 .., / 70-75 .. 


Zeiss Batis, 1.8/85. , , . 85- , . 1/50. , 1/15 - . - 93 .., / 55-60 .. 


. , . , -. Tamron 2.8-5.6/28-200. . , . . 55-60 .. - Sony , , Tamron. , , . , , .


-, , , Sony FE 3.5-5.6/28-70 OSS . - , . . - . . / 7-10 .. . . / .


β€œβ€ Sony A7 , Samyang - AF 2.8/35 AF 2.8/24. , . , . , , . / 15-18 ..

Tamron 2.8/28-75

, , Tamron 2.8/28-75. . . , . , - 15%, . , , -. . - 75 - , . 35-40 85 . 

Sony FE 4/24-105 G OSS

. Tamron 2.8-5.6/28-200 - . 105 - F/4.5, . / Sony , . , , Sony 4/24-105 G OSS . Tamron 2.8-5.6/28-200.

Sony FE 2.8/24-70 GM

. . , , . 

Sony FE 1.8/85

, , Batis 85. Sony 1.8/85 / 30 .. . Batis .

Sony FE 1.8/35

. . , , , . , - . Sigma 1.4/35 Art, / Sony, - , - , - . , Sigma 2/35. Samyang 2.8/35 - 80- , "-". Sony FE 1.8/35. Batis 2/40 , .

Sony Zeiss FE 1.8/55

. - , , , . , , , . 

- Sony G Master

. , , . Sony FE GM 1.4/24, 100+ .. , . , Sony 2/28, 5- . . 

Sony Zeiss FE 1.4/35 1.4/50

These are good lenses, but expensive - used ones from 90-100 tr. I don't have a strong need for F / 1.4 on a full frame, besides, I still close both focal lengths with the compromise Zeiss Batis 2/40 and do not suffer. 

Thanks for reading to the end.

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