As expected, Adobe Flash turned into a pumpkin at midnight

January 12, 2021 arrived and a timebomb went off in the Adobe Flash Player. When you click on the picture, it transfers it to

In the picture, the old interface of the online library. The special piquancy of the situation is that the scans of a book published in 1971 and dedicated to the 250th anniversary of one event should have opened to me by reference.

Yes, the forced shutdown of Flash is not only the inability to play old toys or revise Masyanya in the original, but also this is the inability to read books published long before the advent of this technology.

Many old sites will not be altered by anyone, and scans uploaded to the Internet in swf format will not be rescanned and re-uploaded.

I donโ€™t know about you, but Iโ€™m back to second-hand booksellers.

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