Introducing MPS 2020.3

For several months we have been working on making MPS even more user-friendly and fixing the problems you reported to us. You can download the new MPS 2020.3 on our website or using the Toolbox application .


New generator macro

$CALL-SITE$. , SWITCH/CALL, . SWITCH/CALL . , template/switch Β«call site nodeΒ», , template/switch , .

reduce_Comment, Β« Β» reduce_MethodDeclaration:

, , call site node $CALL-SITE$ :

reduce_Expressions, ( ) ( , ). $CALL-SITE$ - , call site node:

The template and radio button declarations have a flag that is specifically toggled to indicate that the call site node should be used. It would be an error to use the $ CALL-SITE $ macro inside a template / switch that does not indicate the need to get $ CALL-SITE $. It is not necessary to provide an explicit CALL / SWITCH argument β€” the MPS generator can determine if the template / switch being called needs a call site, and evaluates the template, including macros, CALL / SWITCH before processing.

This functionality is useful in scenarios such as conditional casting, such as in expressions <strong>IF</strong> needCast (<strong>Type</strong>), ELSE

, or in transformations, when there are several sources of expression that can serve as input data, for example switch { <strong>case</strong> <strong>Double</strong> : <strong>Double</strong>.valueOf(expression); <strong>case</strong> <strong>Integer</strong> : <strong>Integer</strong>.valueOf(expression, 16); …}

. It is therefore impractical to have a dedicated switch / template for every case.

. Highlight Usages (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+F7). , . , , . - Highlight Usages, , . .

MPS ( Highlight selected node).

switch- BaseLanguage

, switch case .


Project , -. . Logical View.

- . , , , . Tests , β€” Java. , Java Language , -. , .


, . . .

Annotate cells:


Annotation, MPS , :


. : . . , :

, Diff :

. , Hide Unordered Moves.

MPS -. , MPS . Projects β€” , . Customization , , .


VCS , . Git, VCS :

, . Git β€” .

Commit and Push

β€” Commit Commit and Push… β€” Commit. , , Commit and Push.

. MPS , , .

. , . , . .

, . - .



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