FOSS News β„–51 - digest of materials about free and open source software for January 4-10, 2021

Hello everyone!

We continue to digests news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. The most important events of 2020 according to OpenNET; the project for porting Linux to Mac with M1 got a name and website; the lost potential of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL); open-source PCs Dragonbox Pyra began shipping to customers after four years of development; lsFusion vis 1C; about hacking Ball Sort Puzzle and much more.

Table of contents

  1. the main thing

    1. 2020 OpenNET
    2. Linux Mac M1
    3. Windows Linux (WSL)
    4. Open-source Dragonbox Pyra
    5. lsFusion vis 1
    6.   Ball Sort Puzzle

      1. FOSS
      2. Web

      1. DIY
      2. DevOps

      1. DevOps
      2. Web

2020 OpenNET

: /

OpenNET . , FOSS, , , .


2020 [β†’] 

Linux Mac M1

: /

denis-19 «» : Β«5 2021 , Linux Ma M1 β€” Asahi Linux. . … , Asahi Linux . GitHub . - GPU Apple M1 . , Panfrost, -  ARMΒ»


Windows Linux (WSL)

: /

VDSina WSL 1 WSL 2 : Β« Windows 10 , , β€” Windows Linux, WSL. . , . - Linux Windows . , PowerShell CMD.EXE. , . WSL - , Windows. , «» Windows. , (Julio Merino), , , - . , WSL 1 WSL 2 WSL 2 Β».


Open-source Dragonbox Pyra

: /

Selectel : Β«DragonBox Pyra β€” ( ) 5- , TI OMAP 5 QWERTY-. D-pad. . Debian Linux, , . DragonBox Pyra , . , Β».


lsFusion vis 1

: /

1C 20- fixin lsFusion, Java, Β« 1Β». , , , , , , .


  Ball Sort Puzzle

: /

ErhoSen «» Ball Sort Puzzle: Β«Ball Sort Puzzle β€” IOS/Android. , . , . , . , 725 . β€” . β€” , . -, β€” . YouTube 5350, 10+ . , , β€” . β€” . !Β».


  1. , (Python);
  2. , (OpenCV);
  3. Telegram , ;
  4. CI/CD GitHub Actions ..



  1. GitHub [β†’]
  2. OSM 545 [β†’]

NMAP Fedora [β†’]

Apple macOS 11.0 Β«Big SurΒ» [β†’]

Gentoo LibreSSL OpenSSL LibreTLS [β†’]


  1. Chrome HTTPS [β†’]
  2. Firefox 85 ECH HTTPS- [β†’]

  1. : Β«Common Open Source Practices in Developing Cloud Native ApplicationsΒ» [β†’ (en)]
  2. Qt Company LTS- Qt 5.15 [β†’ 1, 2]
  3. ++ 20 [β†’]

KDE 2021 [β†’]

ECS Liva Q1A Ubuntu [β†’ (en)]


7 All Things Open 2020 [β†’ (en)]


  1.  [β†’ (en)]
  2. Mark gauntlet v4.2 [β†’]
  3. Radxa sata hat raspberry pi 4: , [β†’]
  4. Raspberry pi [β†’]

dmesg [β†’]

  1. NTP [β†’]
  2. Homura: WINE BSD [β†’ (en)]
  3. self-hosted IFTTT [β†’]


  1. 10 Ansible [β†’ (en)]
  2. 8 Kubernetes 2021 [β†’ (en)]
  3. 4 Ansible [β†’ (en)]
  4. CI/CD Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Argo CD. 1 [β†’]
  5. X Ansible. [β†’]
  6. Apache Kafka [β†’]
  7. Ansible . [β†’]
  8. HashiCorp Consul β€” 2 [β†’]

  1.  Fortran Β« Β» [β†’ (en)]
  2. Raspberry Pi LCD [β†’]
  3. [β†’]
  4.  C [β†’ (en)]
  5. gdb [β†’ (en)]
  6. [β†’]
  7. 10 JavaScript 2021 [β†’ (en)]

Nokia MeeGo [β†’]

Perfomance- β€” [β†’]

  1. QuiteRSS: RSS Linux [β†’ (en)]
  2. Grub [β†’]
  3. 3 [β†’ (en)]
  4. Ubuntu [β†’ (en)]
  5. FED ( Linux, Windows, DOS) [β†’ (en)]
  6. Linux [β†’]

  1.  [β†’ (en)]
  2. 27 [β†’]
  3.   Open Source [β†’ (en)]
  4. 8 Open Source 2021 [β†’ (en)]
  5. 3 Β«serverlessΒ» , 2021 [β†’ (en)]
  6. – 4 2020 [β†’ (en)]
  7. open source ? [β†’ (en)]

  1. Deepin 20.1. . … [β†’]
  2. Slacko Puppy 7.0 [β†’]
  3. Linux Mint 20.1 [β†’]

  1. OpenZFS 2.0.1, ZFS Linux FreeBSD [β†’]
  2. NVIDIA 460.32 [β†’]

TuxPaint 0.9.25. GIF… [β†’]


Bastille 0.8, FreeBSD Jail [β†’]


  1. wget 1.21 [β†’]
  2. Wasmer 1.0, WebAssembly [β†’ 1, 2]
  3. Firefox 84.0.2 [β†’]
  4. Chrome 87.0.4280.141 [β†’]
  5. - Cawbird 1.3. [β†’]
  6. PeerTube 3.0 [β†’ 1, 2]
  7. DNS- BIND. BIND 9.18 [β†’]

  1. Tcl/Tk 8.6.11 [β†’]
  2. - PicoLibc 1.5 [β†’]
  3. KDE Frameworks 5.78 [β†’]

RunaWFE Free 4.4.1 β€” - [β†’]

  1. KDE Plasma 5.20.5 [β†’]
  2. GNU tar 1.33 [β†’]
  3. KDE Applications 20.12.1 [β†’]
  4. CherryTree 0.99.19-29. [β†’]

, !

OpenNET [β†’] .

– , , , .

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