Laravel-Digest (December 28, 2020 - January 10, 2021)

A selection of fresh lessons, videos and packages on the Laravel framework.

Laravel Digest


  • Laravel 8.21
  • Livewire 2.3.6
  • Potential vulnerability in Fortify 1.7.3 An

    upgrade to Fortify 1.7.4 is recommended, including Jetstream-based applications.
  • Jetstream 2

    Added: Team Invitations, Authentication Templates for Inertia, Tailwind 2 support.
  • PEST 1.0

    After seven months of development, the first stable version is released
  • Laravel IDE Helper 2.9

    Laravel 6 7, PHP 7.2. Doctrine 3.
  • Laravel DebugBar Companion

    . macOS, Windows Linux.
  • Eloquent Attribute Value Prediction

    eloquent-, .
  • Larax

  • Laravel Github Actions Workflow Configurator

    yaml- Github Actions
  • Socialstream

    Jetstream Laravel Socialite
  • Envault 2

  • -

  • Ray


Memo "Which authentication framework to take for a new project?"

Augmented and Russified version

Which authentication framework to take for a new project?

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