Elon Musk will sell all his property and spend about $ 188 billion to colonize Mars

The head of SpaceX and Tesla Inc, Elon Musk, is not particularly concerned with the fact that he has become the richest man in the world. Its main goal is not money, but the colonization of Mars. Earlier, he talked about the fact that all his businesses are working towards this goal. And now seems like the best time to fulfill your plans.

Musk announced that in the near future he would sell all his property, converting it into money, in order to speed up the preparations for a flight to Mars with the further colonization of the Red Planet. He says that he does not need real estate - he can sleep in the office at the Tesla factory. His children need a house, but he can rent it without having to be the owner.

He has quite a lot of real estate, its total value reaches $ 100 million. In 2020, Musk has already sold several houses. Now he is going to do the same with the rest of the property. Well, plus all his funds, he is also ready to invest in the development of Mars.

β€œI believe that it is very important for humanity to become a space civilization, an interplanetary species. I am going to spend a lot of resources to create a city on Mars. I want to invest as much as possible, ” he said . β€œIn saying all this, I am serious. I'm not going to use my property anymore. People say that I have a lot of it, but ok, now I won't have anything. "

The entrepreneur understands that a flight to Mars is unavailable for many people due to the very high cost of the expedition. Therefore, for the colonization of Mars, he is going to allocate funds to those who do not have them. in addition, all these people will get jobs on another planet.

Mars itself Elon Musk plans to proclaim independent from the Earth. Earlier, he had already stated that the laws of the Earth would not apply on the Red Planet. This was not done during the performance. The relevant provisions are posted in the Starlink User Agreement, Satellite Internet Network and Service.

All this is spelled out in the subsection "Governing Laws", which says that SpaceX will not obey international laws outside the Earth. Instead, the company will establish principles of self-government and use them for the benefit of humanity.

The entrepreneur proclaims Mars a "free planet", where its own laws will operate. The conditions section says that on the Earth and the Moon the company obeys the earthly laws, but on Mars it is a different matter, here "the principles of self-government aimed at the prosperity of the future colony will be established." This item will start working only when a colony appears on Mars. Earlier, Musk has repeatedly stated that he is going to build a settlement on Mars that will not depend on the supply of resources from the Earth. It will be a completely and completely autonomous settlement - and now it has become clear that by "autonomy" the head of SpaceX means not only food, water, clothing, equipment, fuel, but also legislation.

Why Mask Mars? In order for humanity to have a "backup" that can be used in the event of global problems that will lead to the extinction of humanity. We are talking about the third world war, infections or something similar. Musk has repeatedly stated that without the establishment of a colony on another planet in the solar system, humanity is doomed.

"If we build as many Starships as we have Falcon rockets - that is, about a hundred - and each delivers 100 tons of cargo to orbit, then the capacity will reach 10 million tons of payload per year," wrote the head of SpaceX.

Musk really usually does what he says - now he is actively developing the Martian program and finalizing a launch vehicle capable of sending payload and colonists to Mars. At the same time, the entrepreneur understands that, most likely, it will be a one-way ticket, at least for the first colonists. But even under such conditions, there are more than enough volunteers.

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