Experience in creating logos with artificial intelligence from Lebedev Studio

Hello! Several months have passed since the discovery to the world that a real neural network worked under the name of Nikolai Ironov in the Lebedev Studio, as well as the subsequent big interviews with the creators of Nikolai and the discovery of this tool for everyone. I have not come across any other publications on this topic, probably I became one of the first who worked directly with Nikolai, without being in any way connected with the studio. In this article, I tried to describe my experience. Looking ahead, I estimate my experience as very successful. I think Nikolai Ironov is a small doorway to the very technological singularity, which in the future should make artificial intelligence more efficient than humans in everything or almost everything.


  1. The logic of working with a neural network at the time of this writing

  2. Features of the process

  3. The logos that I got

  4. Example dataset in the archive

  5. Reported technical features

  6. General impressions. Summary

Disclaimer. My opinion may differ from the opinion of other users who have worked with Nikolai Ironov. Likewise, since I am not affiliated with Lebedev Studio, I cannot guarantee that my interpretation of what is happening coincides with how it actually works.

Work logic

Working with the system consists of two stages, which are not technically related to each other, as it seemed to me.

Stage 1 - a dialogue with Nikolay, in which the user initiates a request for a new portion of 9 versions of the logos in the project with the ability to add clarifications. There are not many clarifications: you can select some images from the proposed list that the author associates with his brand, and you can also choose your preferred styles of fonts, colors and graphics.

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Selection of symbols that can be associated with the logo.
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Fragment of a dialog with options for additional parameters.

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PS: It turned out that calling the car by the name that the creators gave it, even if it was the human name Nikolai, did not constitute any moral hitch for me. And in the correspondence with the support, and when writing the article, this came quite naturally.

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