How to move from New Year's idleness to working days without stress?

Only two days are left until the end of the New Year holidays and going to work. The first time after a long weekend is always especially difficult. But the transition can be made more comfortable if you pay attention to your sleep schedule in advance and plan all the tasks. What else can you do to get a painless return to work?

The holiday always brings an inner feeling of magic and well-deserved rest. At the same time, a person perceives this period as a reward if he previously lived in a tense rhythm.

There are those for whom the holiday becomes a kind of stress. Such people do not know what to expect after the weekend. In addition, many have lost their jobs or faced other problems due to the pandemic, working remotely during the holidays. Therefore, they do not associate holidays with something pleasant. The weekend only postpones the solution of some issues, the tension remains, and sometimes intensifies.

How a person enters the holiday will determine his exit from this holiday. For those who were on holiday on holiday, gaining strength before new working days, it will be a desire to extend it a little more. <…> Those who were under stress during the holidays count the days when it will all end.

Of course, there are many more of those who have a rest on holidays. Such people need to prepare in advance for the work week in order to rejoin the regimen.

Preparation for work

It is necessary at least for a day to begin to rebuild oneself clearly from a vague daily routine and a feeling of laziness. If you need to go to work on Monday, then on Sunday you should visualize this day already. Ask yourself why you need to go to work at all. This will make the switch easier.

You also need to understand that a holiday is always a good reason to think about whether I went there, whether I lived this way. Maybe if work is stressful now, then it's time to start a new life in the new year.

The day before work, you need to do time management. All things for Monday should be clearly planned. There are four criteria for this: important, not important, urgent and not urgent.

If you plan everything correctly, then there will be no stress: "Chief, everything is lost, work hard, save, help."

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It’s as if a person drove a car on summer tires and everything squealed at the bends, but winter is coming - and there are a lot of accidents due to not being rearranged. This is where we need to rebuild.

If we take a load for ourselves on the verge of our capabilities, then this strengthens our body, which is trying to adapt to the new load. If we take a load beyond our capabilities, then it is an overload, which often harms both emotional, mental and physical.

Much will depend on how you relaxed during the holidays. If the contrast in tempo is low, then the return to work will be comfortable.

Alexander Kichaev

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