STM32 Assembler Editor: The mountain has not budged, Magomed is walking towards it

A lot of time has passed since then, but the idea of โ€‹โ€‹finding a convenient editor for writing programs for stm32 microcontrollers in assembler under gnu as does not leave me :-))

continuation of the old story


for all SI writers: guys, you are all awesome programmers who work in big companies, get a lot of money, and know for sure that it is only in C that it is worth writing programs !!! Well, you are very cool !!! this post is not for you ...

VERY PLEASE - well, if your hands itch, well, put a minus and move on !!

I don't need to write about the fact that the assembler language is completely useless, and it is inconvenient to write in it, and there is no one, and only one thing ... - all this has already been written a hundred times ...

An article about those who write in assembler, want to try, or want to participate in one way or another.

Key ideas:

  • control of space of symbols (labels) (video work with symbols )

  • the ability to use code libraries (video work with modules )

  • checking the correctness of a set of instructions directly in the editor (video about highlighting the text of the program )

  • compiling the project with obtaining information about the resulting code / firmware (video compilation and handling compilation and build errors )

  • ( )

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, - .

Also very interesting are the implementations of the debugging process without debugging gdb \ telnet servers directly through the st-link interfaces (about the inability to use st-link_cli, a separate video was shot -- &indeHzG2m17 disappointing - the interface in the current implementation is useless for debugging)

such a short note (if you do not follow the links) turned out. I invite everyone interested to participate in the generation of ideas, development, writing programs and modules

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