Self-study in Data Science, from zero to Senior in two years

I would like to share the methods of mastering Data science from scratch by a person from another IT specialty. Purpose: to make it clear whether this specialty is suitable for you in principle, and to tell you about effective approaches to self-study that helped me (I will later plan detailed articles on specific topics separately).

Excellent materials already exist on most specific topics, and I learned from them myself.

I think many will find it useful to have "meta" materials on how to choose courses and articles to learn from. For example, I reviewed dozens of articles and books, tried many different online courses, but only a small part of what was available was useful. I hope that I can seriously save you time and help you achieve more by showing you a more effective way of self-study.

And it's important to say right off the bat: I believe that anyone with analytical skills and structural thinking can become a machine learning / data scientist. Even 4 years ago, I had doubts, having lost faith in my mathematical abilities because of the university teachers. Now I believe: the basics of machine learning and the minimum necessary mathematics can be learned by any highly motivated person.

 My experience:

  • When I realized that I would soon turn 30, I decided to leave for another field and move from the Russian Federation. In my field (1C), I was successful in my career, but it became clear that further growth is very difficult and requires doing work that is uninteresting and almost disgusting to me.

  • After six months of searching through the options, I decided that Data science is most interesting to me.

  • (: ).

  • Senior Data scientist Vodafone ( LinkedIn).


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  1. Learning Python, by Mark Lutz (5 ). .

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    , , 32 , (, 21-31 . , Python ).

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  2. Python Crash Course, by Eric Matthes

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  3. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

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Maybe we will talk on the phone once and this will be enough for you. But I'm ready and completely replace the paid course programs, giving you a personalized curriculum and telling you step by step about the best books and courses and how to find them for free. In the latter case, in return, your promise is enough for me that you yourself will pay for help, as much as you see fit, if and when you feel the result.

self.development.mentor in the domain, Oleg

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