Strength calculations in LibreOffice and choosing a text editor

Problems of registration of calculations and what is iMath

Probably, many who studied at a technical university, first did the calculations of their coursework in Mathcad (or another mathematical package), and then diligently typed the same formulas in MS Word with substitution of numbers. Then they forgot about it.

When I was hired as a constructor for strength calculations, I had to remember.

No, modern FEM technologies are used (SolidWorks, Ansys), but nobody canceled formulas with GOST methods. The principles have not changed here, although more than 10 years have passed since the defense of my diploma. People first type the formulas already typed in Mathcad, and then manually substitute each number into the formula and write down the result.


Why write numbers after the formula if the computer calculates the result?

This is a controversial opinion, such records do sometimes help to find an error. It's just nonsense to do it with your hands. People tried to solve this problem from different angles, there are TechEditor , CalcPad , NormCad , but we are not talking about them, in practice I apply only 2 solutions:

  1. Design directly in Mathcad and print as is

  2. LibreOffice Writer iMath

1 :

  • , , , Mathcad

  • "" :

    d=8F2iπτ2=8·200·53.14·900=1.68, F2=200 - ;i=5 - ;τ2=900 - .

    Mathcad 15, — Mathcad 15, Mathcad Prime

  • , ,

2 iMath, Mathcad LibreOffice Writer, .

text expander iMath

( ):

%ii @nospace{%DELTA x}@ EQDEF nospace{%DELTA x}=10Δx=10

2- . , .. iMath , , . .

Mathcad, : D, Ctrl+G → Δ, : DG → Δ. :

%ii @Δx@ EQDEF Δx=10Δx=10

, :

  • aText ( , ) Windows7+/MacOS

    , File→ csv , Default Group Examples
  • espanso Windows8+/MacOS/Linux

№1. , ( )

%%ii @F_2@ EQDEF* F_2=200%%ii @i_{}@ EQDEF* i_{}=5%%ii @τ_2@ EQDEF* τ_2=900%%ii @d@ EQDEF d=sqrt{{8 · F_2 · i_{}}over{%pi · τ_2}}%%ii TEXT =sqrt{{8 · _ii_VAL(F_2)_ii_ · _ii_VAL(i_{})_ii_}over{_ii_VAL(%pi)_ii_ · _ii_VAL(τ_2)_ii_}}=_ii_VAL(d)_ii_d=8F2iπτ2=8·200·53.142·900=1.682, %%ii PRINTVAL F_2F2=200 - ;%%ii PRINTVAL i_{}i=5 - ;%%ii PRINTVAL τ_2τ2=900 - .

? . d=sqrt{{8 · F_2 · i_{}}over{%pi · τ_2}}}

, =sqrt{{8 · F_2 · i_{}}over{%pi · τ_2}}}=d


. . .

iMath , — .


%%ii @d@ EQDEF d=sqrt{{8 · F_2 · i_{}}over{%pi · τ_2}}
d=sqrt{{8 · F_2 · i_{}}over{%pi · τ_2}} %%gg
%%ii TEXT =sqrt{{8 · _ii_VAL(F_2)_ii_ · _ii_VAL(i_{})_ii_}over{_ii_VAL(%pi)_ii_ · _ii_VAL(τ_2)_ii_}}=_ii_VAL(d)_ii_
=sqrt{{8 · 200 · 5}over{3,142 · 900}}=1,682 %%gg

, .

№3. . .

iMath, Jan Rheinlaender, . — .


  • ( , )
  • , , :

    Q_=0.785 · D_^2 · p

  • ()
  • ()

Sublime Text

. , .

, . , yaml. , :

: Ctrl+Q, Ctr+F, , , , _ii_VAL(

, , , )_ii_

, Ctrl+Q. — Ctrl+Shift+Q. . , 2009. ...

, . Sublime, . — Sublime 2 . , , . — ! Ctrl+Q, , Ctrl+S — , ...

, , . , , .


, . langmap keymap, . Vim : , . .

: vim ? . vim .

[W]indows [L]inux [M]acOS WLM WLM W__ WLM W__ W__ WLM WLM
+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
(\0, \1, ...) + - + + + + + +
+ + + - + + ?
^D ^⇧D - ^⇧D - - ^⇧D⁴ +⁰
⌥F3 Ø - - - ^⇧␠ - ?
⌥⏎ ⌥E - - - - - ?
^⌥↓⁵ ⌥⇧↓ -⁶ -⁶ - -⁶ -⁶ +⁰
+ +⁰ + - +⁰ - + +
- +⁰ + - - - + +
+⁷ + + +⁰ + + +
+ + ± ? ? ? + ±
+ + + + + ±⁴ ±⁰
+ + + ± + - + +
+ + + - + - -
^⇧P ^⇧P ^M⁰³ - - - ^⇧E⁴ -

( Windows): ^ — Ctrl, ⇧ — Shift, ⌥ — Alt, ␠ — Space, ⏎ — Enter, ←↑↓→ — , Ø —

⁰ —

¹ —

² — ,

³ — NppMenuSearch ,

⁴ — , ,

⁵ —

⁶ — ⌥⇧↓,

⁷ —

? 2 : Sublime ( ?) Cuda. , - .

Sublime Text 3.2.2 01.10.19 C ( Skia)
CudaText 29.12.20
Notepad++ 7.9.2 01.01.21 Scientilla
SciTE 4.4.6 01.12.20 Scientilla
AkelPad 4.9.8 18.07.16 Scientilla
Notepad3 5.20.915.1 15.09.20 Scientilla ✘ ,
Textadept 11.0 01.12.20 Scientilla / Curses
Vim 8.2 10.12.20 ? ✘ ?


, CudaText. portable zip-. wiki - portable , . ? — %APPDATA% . ? , , 25 — , — . , , , , . :

, - . , . , . . ( ), ( , ). Statusbar , , .

Options → Settings default/user,

  "wrap_mode" : 1,
  "wrap_indented" : false,
  "ui_statusbar_show" : true,
  "ui_sidebar_show" : true,
  "find_hidden_buttons": "c",
  "bracket_highlight" : true,
  "ui_toolbar_show" : false,
  "ui_theme" : "white",
  "ui_theme_syntax" : "white",
  "ui_font_name" : "default",
  "ui_font_size" : 9,
  "font_name" : "Lucida Console",
  "font_size" : 10,
  "ui_title_path" : true,
  "ui_menu_show" : false,
  "ui_tab_show" : false,
  "gutter_show" : false,
  "gutter_fold" : false,
  "show_last_line_on_top" : false,
  "log_sessions" : false,
  "py_init_log" : false,
  "auto_close_brackets": ""

' ⋮ ' Ctrl+Shift+P ( Sublime). , , Ctrl+W


— — white ( ).

: , 'δ',

— aText .

: Auto_Save Macros. Sublime: Plugins → Addons Manager → Install..., Ctrl+Shift+P - plugin:Install+Enter.

. , . ':', , 'theme:' — . : , Plugins → Addons Manager → Remove add-on...

( ). Sublime Preferences→Key Bindings, :

  • Ctrl+Shift+P, , 'macros: start recording'
  • F9
  • "Set"

Ctrl+Q "macros: start recording" Ctrl+Shift+Q "macros: stop recording".


"2810" : {
    "name" : "macros: start recording",
    "s1" : [ "Ctrl+Q" ]

— .

iMath:explain EQDEF

, , '=', _ii_VAL(



. , . . , , _ii_VAL(



  • Ctrl+Q —
  • @@ , . CudaText — \0, \1, ..., . Ctrl+F, \b(abs|acute|aleph|alignb...widetilde|widevec|wp|yellow)\b

    , Alt+E, Esc — , ←, @@

  • , %%ii TEXT


  • (?<=[^%@'"])(\d+\.\d+|%\w+_\{[^{}]*\}|%\w+|\b\w+_\{[^{}]*\}|\b\w+)(?!.*%%gg$)

  • — , , Ctrl+X
  • _ii_VAL(

    , Ctrl+V, )_ii_

  • @@

  • Ctlr+Shift+Q — , imath:_ii_VAL()_ii_ all

  • — : Ctrl+Shift+P, imath:_ii_VAL()_ii_ all

    ( Enter), F9, Ctrl+Shift+V

( ), settings/macros.json. . .

Auto_Save. Ctrl+Shift+P → plugin:Auto Save: config



Cud , Cuda , LO Math. "file:quit program" F3 ( iMath F3) — / .

. Wiki , , SynWrite , , . .

  1. SynWrite
  2. Options → Customize lexers library..., - eqn
  3. View → Lexer →
  4. Options → Customize lexer...
  5. "Import Items" ( )

  6. eqn.lcf eqn.cuda-lexmap SynWrite\Data\lexlib cudatext\Data\lexlib
  7. , , Ctrl+Shift+P, eqn, Enter.

    , :

. ! ( , )

, ( Atom Visual Studio Code). — , , , . . ( ) iMath ( , ).

LibreOffice download page - tested on 7.0, but 6.4 should work as

well iMath download page - you need to download iMath-2.3.1 ~ beta2.oxt

Discussion of the iMath feature "open in external editor" on - about configuring iMath iMath

documentation Download

page CudaText CudaText

settings for working with iMath (you need to unpack to the folder

where the editor was unpacked) CudaText on

CudaText on - there are only plugins

aText settings for Greek characters and not only - open by Ctrl + O from aText

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