Duck typing and C #

Good day. I have been experimenting a lot with .Net 5 and its Source Generators lately. And I suddenly got an idea of ​​how I can use Source Generators to implement "duck typing" in C #. I couldn't just leave this idea behind. As a result, I would say, a purely akamic thing came out (no one will use this on production, I hope), but the result is quite interesting. Anyone interested in asking for a cut!


. . , .

How to use it

Let's imagine we have the following example:

public interface ICalculator
  float Calculate(float a, float b);

public class AddCalculator

  float Calculate(float a, float b);

It is important to note that AddCalculator

it does not implement in any way ICalculator


They only have identical signatures. If we try to use them in the following way, then we will fail:

var addCalculator = new AddCalculator();

var result = Do(addCalculator, 10, 20);

float Do(ICalculator calculator, float a, float b)
  return calculator.Calculate(a, b);


The C # compiler will say the following:

Argument type 'AddCalculator' is not assignable to parameter type 'ICalculator'

And he will be right. But since the signature is AddCalculator

completely the same ICalculator

and we really want to do this, the solution might be duck typing which does not work in C #. This is where the nuget package comes in handy DuckInterface

. All you need to do is install it and tweak our signatures a little. Let's start with the interface by adding an attribute to it Duckable


public interface ICalculator
  float Calculate(float a, float b);


. ICalculator


. DICalculator





. IDE. DICalculator



var addCalculator = new AddCalculator();

var result = Do(addCalculator, 10, 20);

float Do(DICalculator calculator, float a, float b)
  return calculator.Calculate(a, b);


. .

. Duckable

"" . , ICalculator


public partial class DICalculator : ICalculator 
  private readonly Func<float, float, float> _Calculate;        

  public float Calculate(float a, float b)
      return _Calculate(a, b);

duckable . :

var result = Do(addCalculator, 10, 20);



, addCalculator

. , DICalculator


public partial class DICalculator
  private DICalculator(global::AddCalculator value) 
       _Calculate = value.Calculate;

  public static implicit operator DICalculator(global::AddCalculator value)
      return new DICalculator(value);


partial class . , :


public interface ICalculator
    float Zero { get; }
    float Value { get; set; }
    float Calculate(float a, float b);
// ....
public partial class DICalculator : ICalculator 
    private readonly Func<float> _ZeroGetter;

    private readonly Func<float> _ValueGetter;

    private readonly Action<float> _ValueSetter;

    private readonly Func<float, float, float> _Calculate;        

    public float Zero
         [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough] get { return _ZeroGetter(); }

    public float Value
         [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough] get { return _ValueGetter(); }
         [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough] set { _ValueSetter(value); }

    public float Calculate(float a, float b)
        return _Calculate(a, b);

. - duck typing . . ref struct-. , . , where - :

float Do<TCalcualtor>(TCalcualtor calculator, float a, float b)
    where TCalcualtor: DICalculator
  return calculator.Calculate(a, b);

zero cost duct typing( , ), , partial class

partial struct

duck . , Do


. , , .

. !

Nuget here

Github here

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