Say a word about poor "distance"

β€―It seems to me that I have never seen a question trigger such a powerful wave of negativity as distance education. In my opinion, even raising the retirement age went smoother. As a representative of a family that already has several generations of teachers, the topic of education is very close and interesting to me. As a person who has been successfully studying online for a long time, such a flurry of criticism, with an almost complete absence of positive feedback, is incomprehensible. There was a desire to understand the situation. And the more I read the comments of opponents, the clearer it became that the people's anger was caused not by the "distance" itself, but by the mess that happened at the beginning of the quarantine and continues to this day.An attempt to run the modern bullet train of online learning on the rusted rails of the Soviet education system predictably ended in the derailment of "the entire school staff." So I got the idea to write an article in defense of my favorite format. 

The world around us is changing rapidly. Technology is emerging and becoming obsolete faster than at any time in human history. But the education system in Russia has remained unchanged for almost a hundred years. My daughter's third grade is no different from my third grade thirty years ago. The same books for the summer, the same texts for retelling, many of which are incomprehensible to modern children "a little less than completely." And the introduction of distance education is a response to the demands of the times, a necessary step to start changes. 

Why distance education is important

  • The teleworking law has already been passed. This means that the number of people working in this format will increase. And they also have children. The necessity of attending school negates all the advantages of "distance learning". It will not be possible to leave for a while "to the islands". Why should we still be chained to school like galley slaves in the 21st century? 

  • Distance learning is not a process or even a method. It is a skill to learn that is very important now and will be important in the future. Not given to everyone? Many school subjects are also "not given to everyone." However, we do not organize rallies demanding to expel mathematics or physics from the school curriculum. 

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