First in the twenty-first

I pull out of the wide leg


and brag proudly:

"Look, envy,

Number One,

Not just aytishnaya muzzle."

For the third year in a row, we finish in first place among companies on Habré. This is not a Formula 1 race, but rather our 24 Hours of Le Mans, when you are forced not to stop for a day at the ultimate resource and in the most unpleasant conditions. Only here it is not 24 hours, but 24/7/366. And even now, a few hours before the New Year, we are writing this post in order not only to talk about the records, but also to tell a little about how to approach it.

We are not without self-irony here :)

All calculations in this publication are based on the analysis of a CSV file with information about all blog posts, which can be exported to the control panel of a corporate blog - thanks to Habr for this opportunity.

Super record and a couple of tips

In last year's post, we designed the statistics like this:

2016. The blog has 72 posts - 58 (80%) of which were with a positive rating and 14 (20%) with a negative one.

2017. The blog has 170 posts, of which only one with a negative rating (0.58%).

2018. 260 posts were published, of which all 260 were with a positive rating.

2019. Voice of Dudya: Three hundred. eight. posts. 308.

2020.621 articles. Dud's voice will not be there, there will be a picture:

AAAAAAA !!!!!!!!

For almost the entire year we were the leader in the rating on Habré - we are also entering the new year 2021 with 1 place. Maintaining this level is a huge work of our internal editorial staff, our employees and our authors. Imagine: 621 publications - and this is in addition to several large-scale special projects , the opening of new data centers, a complete refactoring of the support and, of course, round-the-clock work to ensure uninterrupted stable operation of our clients' infrastructure. 

It is no secret that in the business sphere you can buy first places in some ratings - that is why they are created. The first place on Habré is not for sale, not cheated, not hacked, not wrapped up by a script. It can only be earned thanks to the attention and interest of the audience, and there is no universal recipe like “write 2 articles every day and the rating will be the highest”. No, to achieve such a result, the frequency of publications and their quality (consisting of views, rating, adding to favorites and, perhaps, magic) must coincide.

Here are some helpful tips.

  • : , ( , ).
  • -: , , .
  • ( ) .
  • «» -: , .
  • : , , , .
  • Listen to your audience: From the comments, you can easily understand what readers like and what they don't.
  • Choose a few topics in which you are ready to become experts or find outstanding experts: such articles will not only increase the rating, but also play a role in shaping the company's image.

This also applies to non-corporate authors, the rules are quite universal.

Uniqueness course

In 2020, we increased the share of articles by authors and decreased the share of translations. In addition, special projects became a source of interesting content for our blog (we already wrote about them in the review article - see if you missed something). The publications written within the framework of special projects were not only regular posts on Habré, but also a way to inform the audience, discuss the progress of each project with it, and involve it. And here we got a win-win situation: Habr users took part in special projects, learned something new, and we received active feedback. 

The minimum rating of a publication in the RUVDS blog this year is +1, the maximum is +280. On average, we got +39 per post, the most common value is +33. Most often, only 1 minus was put to our articles, and on average 4 minuses, while the most minus post got as much as minus 64. This was the publication "The Hot Four of Dying Programming Languages ", which turned out to be very controversial and, like any controversial story, got Nearly 90 thousand views, 43 minus and almost 60 thousand views was scored, for example, another article “ I'm switching to JavaScript», Which collected 409 comments. Such publications are an example of the fact that you should not be afraid of the minuses, it is important to understand how controversial and interesting the article is, the minds and souls of how many readers it touched. In general, from our own experience, we will say that Habr's indicators solely as numbers are an unusable KPI (although from conversations with other colleagues we know that this is how they are actively used). Habr is a story almost outside the KPI, since you need to evaluate the overall, integral effect, and there are dozens of features and dependencies in it.

We understood that the situation in 2020 would not be in vain neither for Habr, nor for us on Habr - moreover, it was difficult even to predict whether the views would fall (everyone was in panic and depression) or grow (everyone started reading from home). Active work on the content plan became for us the way to stabilize the blog and trigger new records. The resulting effect was worth every neuron and pulse spent on the blog.

Compared to previous years:

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Posts posted

Positively Rated


58 (80%)

14 (20%)

169 (99.4%)

1 (0.6%)

260 (100%)


308 (100%)


621 (100%)


1681 (~23/)

1235 (73.5%)

446 (26.5%)

+789 (~11/)
5644 (~33/)

4794 (85%)

850 (15%)

+3880 (~23/)
8639 (~33/)

7580 (87.8%)

1059 (12.2%)

+6521 (~25/)
13232 (~43/)

11870 (89.7%)

1362 (10.3%)

+10508 (~34/)
30069 (~48/)

27034 (89,9%)

3035 (10%)

+23999 (~39/)
1919 (~27/) 4908 (~29/) 5255 (~20/) 7863 (~25/) 21783 (~35/)


(~ 160 / post)

(~ 139 / post)

(~ 118 / post)

(~ 100 / post)
Total post views 1238367

(~ 17299 / post)

(~ 20865 / post)

(~ 16338 / post)

(~ 16149 / post)

(~ 16006 / post)

This year there were a lot of different hubs, so we stopped at 10 main ones, in which we posted our publications:

Last year the top was like this:

You can see how much the variety of topics has grown and how the metrics for hubs have changed quantitatively. Indeed, this year a career in IT worried the audience much more and the blog could not fail to receive an answer to this request. The share of publications related to system administration has grown significantly, and this is also natural: now this area is undergoing the most significant and active transformation, it is literally reviving in the new qualities of DevOps, DevSecOps, etc. and, we think, 2021-2022 will bring a very large growth of "new system administration", will lead companies to the conditions for the adoption of ITSM, including, will modify all the basics of ITSM and ITIL. So let's stay a little vidioners and call on to upgrade the skills of network and server administration, soon the market will form a request for cool specialists. 

Top publications: there is something to read during the holidays

As we said above, we have changed our approach to the quality of content: we have a lot of copyright, unique articles, for the work on which we gladly involve experts and authors of Habr (for example, three of the top 10 most rated publications belong to the pen of Paul's keyboard Zhovner, whom, by the way, we congratulate on the main sensation of this year - his enchanting Kickstarter launch with the Flipper Zero project). If you are also an author or a cool expert, or you have an insidious plan to capture Habr with your articles, urgently scroll to the end - there is information for you.

Another good solution this year was to create two series of articles:

  1. «» (, , , -, -, ) — , .
  2. « » ( 4 ) — «»- .

Such cycles have a more social and educational function. These are unique copyrighted materials that will help more than a dozen beginners and students.

In general, the tops of our publications for 2020 look like this. If you passed by, be sure to read on holidays: there are texts, comments, everything is on fire. 

Top 10 publications of our blog by rating


126454 Windows PowerShell ? 1:
120389 AirDrop
101895 110
101375 13 , Tinder
101238 CloudFlare —
86215 Macbook
75300 : 8
75172 pandas
72611 ,


606 110
573 Windows Linux

, , TDD
409 JavaScript
382 20- CRT- 4K LCD-?
370 ?
367 ,
328 : ?
297 Dial-up


Pay attention to how homogeneous the top is in terms of comments, rating and views, and how the top differs from it when adding to favorites: it contains useful publications that can act as educational materials and be used in work. Views of such articles usually grow outside of the day "on the main page". It is important to alternate content of different levels of complexity and usefulness - then the widest audience will love you.

By the way, about the audience: this year we received 13.5 thousand new subscribers - this is partly the merit of our content, but most of the merit of the onboarding of new Habr users. It is important that you are with us and all these ratings in the form of ratings of articles, comments, additions to favorites are nothing more than an assessment of our readers, the most vigilant and strict critics.

Last year we looked at 2020 with optimism and in terms of work it turned out to be really quite tense and effective, which cannot be said about the general situation. Now no one is undertaking to guess for 2021, this is literally a black box from the point of view of rational forecasting, so we just say that there will be many articles, special projects, contests, cool interviews. Therefore, we expect two important things from you:

  • your criticism, your comments and suggestions for the development of our blog: what are you missing, what topics you would like to read (this may not be data storage and server administration);
  • : , , , ( ), .

Well, the content plan for the beginning of 2021 is already ready, we continue to be with you and are open to any dialogue. But right now I want to open the already prepared champagne, get out of the refrigerator everything that “don't touch, it's for the new year” and exhale a little. Now it is fashionable to congratulate on the “retreating 2020” and there is a rational grain in this: this rally was too congested, a highload year. We wish you to meet 2021 in a good mood and start it with benefit and anticipation of joyful events: this is the first year of the new decade, which will present us with new challenges, new technologies and even more limitless possibilities. And this is at least interesting.

Happy new year friends! 

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