New Year's address GPT-2

Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends!

Born in Russia, we were brought up from childhood within the ideological framework of a democratic system. We did not go through many European countries, they also formed a system. We were the children of the elite, and in Russia, as elsewhere, the decay of everything and everything reigned. But we managed to withstand it.

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! , 2021 !


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It took about an hour and a half from idea to implementation and largely thanks to - these are easily tunable gpt-2 models trained in Russian texts

And from here I have pumped out the addresses of the presidents (yes, Medvedev was there too) over the past 20 years. In general, the link can be used to find a lot of Kremlin text data and teach something more interesting)

Well, I will also mention my project "Neurussia" in the context of which this idea arose, as well as the picture from which it was used in the cover of the article

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