Hello-omeletics , somehow recently I had the idea to write a Telegram bot in Ruby on a specific topic, in a nutshell, this bot was supposed to raise online chats through entertainment events that were thrown into the chat by the same bot at random time with a random context.
And while I was writing this bot, I got acquainted with the telegram-bot-ruby library (gem), learned how to use it together with the gem 'sqlite3-ruby' and besides, I was imbued with the many capabilities of Telegram bots, which I want to share with the dear readers of this forum, contribute so to speak.
A lot of people want to write Telegram bots, because it's fun and easy.
At the time of writing my bot, I was faced with the fact that it was difficult to find good material on the topic of Ruby bot for Telegram. By good, I mean one that tells about elegant and beautiful functionality, such as it is in the Telegram API.
Immediately I throw a link to my repository for this post: here ,
For during testing there were bugs that I could not transfer here, suddenly why look directly into the repository.
As a result of reading this topic, I hope the reader can improve his already written bot, or right now download Ruby, Telegram and create something new and beautiful. After all, as already stated in the "Declaration of Cyberspace":
In our world, everything that the human mind is capable of creating can be reproduced and spread indefinitely without any cost. Your factories are no longer required for the global transmission of thought.
I suggest to start:
My Ruby version is 2.7.2, but it is possible that everything will work with earlier / later versions.
The approximate structure of the application will look like this
The first step is to create a Gemfile - the main dependency holder for third-party gem's in Ruby.
File the Gemfile :
source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'json' gem 'net-http-persistent', '~> 2.9' gem 'sqlite3'#gem gem 'telegram-bot-ruby'# Telegram
We save the file and perform the operation in the terminal
bundle install
( Ruby) Gemfile .
( ) GitHub’a, .gitignore , JetBrains :
, , FishSocket:
require 'telegram/bot' require './library/mac-shake' require './library/database' require './modules/listener' require './modules/security' require './modules/standart_messages' require './modules/response' Entry point class class FishSocket include Database def initialize super # Initialize BD Database.setup # Establishing webhook via @gem telegram/bot, using API-KEY Telegram::Bot::Client.run(TelegramOrientedInfo::APIKEY) do |bot| # Start time variable, for exclude message what was sends before bot starts startbottime = Time.now.toi # Active socket listener bot.listen do |message| # Processing the new income message #if that message sent after bot run. Listener.catchnewmessage(message,bot) if Listener::Security.messageisnew(startbottime,message) end end end end Bot start FishSocket.new
5 :Gem telegram/bot, mac-shake, listener, security, database.
# frozenstringliteral: true module TelegramOrientedInfo APIKEY = '' end
API-KEY , , Telegram API : @BotFather
API-Key , API-Key, .
class FishSocket module Listener # Module for checks module Security def messageisnew(starttime, message) messagetime = (defined? message.date) ? message.date : message.message.date messagetime.toi > starttime end def message_too_far message_date = (defined? Listener.message.date) ? Listener.message.date : Listener.message.message.date message_delay = Time.now.to_i - message_date.to_i # if message delay less then 5 min then processing message, else ignore message_delay > (5 * 60) end module_function :message_is_new, :message_too_far end end end
: , ( ). , 5 ( , )
class FishSocket # Sorting new message module module Listener attr_accessor :message, :bot def catch_new_message(message,bot) self.message = message self.bot = bot return false if Security.message_too_far case self.message when Telegram::Bot::Types::CallbackQuery CallbackMessages.process when Telegram::Bot::Types::Message StandartMessages.process end end module_function( :catch_new_message, :message, :message=, :bot, :bot= ) end end
, callback , . callback . Telegram API 2.0 InlineMessages. , UI , InlineKeyboardMarkup , , CallbackMessage, , , Telegram API. .
# This module assigned to all database operations module Database attr_accessor :db require 'sqlite3' # This module assigned to create table action module Create def steamaccountlist Database.db.execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE steamaccountlist ( accesses VARCHAR (128), used INTEGER (1)) SQL true rescue SQLite3::SQLException false end modulefunction( :steamaccount_list ) end def setup # Initializing database file self.db = SQLite3::Database.open 'autosteam.db' # Try to get custom table, if table not exists - create this one unless gettable('steamaccountlist') Create.steamaccount_list end end # Get all from the selected table # @var tablename def gettable(tablename) db.execute <<-SQL Select * from #{tablename} SQL rescue SQLite3::SQLException false end modulefunction( :gettable, :setup, :db, :db= ) end
/ .
, fishsocket.rb , , Active Socket Telegram API. - Webhook Telegram API, .
standartmessages.rb, () . : Standart Callback.
class FishSocket module Listener # This module assigned to processing all standart messages module StandartMessages def process case Listener.message.text when '/getaccount' Response.stdmessage 'Very sorry, ' else Response.stdmessage ' , ' end end module_function( :process ) end end end
/getaccount, , .
, Response,
class FishSocket module Listener # This module assigned to responses from bot module Response def stdmessage(message, chatid = false ) chat = (defined?Listener.message.chat.id) ? Listener.message.chat.id : Listener.message.message.chat.id chat = chatid if chatid Listener.bot.api.sendmessage( parsemode: 'html', chatid: chat, text: message ) end module_function( :std_message ) end end end
API Telegrama , gem telegram-ruby, api.sendmessage. Telegram API , .
: ( BotFather, API .
Inline , , Inline .
assets/ inlinebutton. inlinebutton.rb :
class FishSocket # This module assigned to creating InlineKeyboardButton module InlineButton GETACCOUNT = Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardButton.new(text: ' account', callbackdata: 'getaccount') end end
telegram-ruby-gem InlineKeyboardButton.
Reponse :
def inlinemessage(message, inlinemarkup,editless = false, chatid = false) chat = (defined?Listener.message.chat.id) ? Listener.message.chat.id : Listener.message.message.chat.id chat = chatid if chatid Listener.bot.api.sendmessage( chatid: chat, parsemode: 'html', text: message, replymarkup: inlinemarkup) end def generateinlinemarkup(kb, force = false) Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardMarkup.new( inlinekeyboard: kb ) end
modulefunction() :
modulefunction( :stdmessage, :generateinlinemarkup, :inlinemessage )
, , StandartMessages
def process case Listener.message.text when '/getaccount' Response.stdmessage 'Very sorry, ' when '/start' Response.inlinemessage ', ', Response::generateinlinemarkup( InlineButton::GETACCOUNT ) else Response.stdmessage ' , ' end end
callbackmessages.rb Callback : callbackmessages.rb
class FishSocket module Listener # This module assigned to processing all callback messages module CallbackMessages attraccessor :callback_message def process self.callback_message = Listener.message.message case Listener.message.data when 'get_account' Listener::Response.std_message(' ') end end module_function( :process, :callback_message, :callback_message= ) end end end
StandartMessages , Telegram , - .
, . fishsocket.rb
require 'telegram/bot' require './library/mac-shake' require './library/database' require './modules/listener' require './modules/security' require './modules/standartmessages' require './modules/response' require './modules/callbackmessages' require './modules/assets/inlinebutton' Entry point class class FishSocket include Database def initialize super
- .
, - 2 ForceReply , EditInlineMessage
ForceReply, Response
def forcereplymessage(text, chatid = false) chat = (defined?Listener.message.chat.id) ? Listener.message.chat.id : Listener.message.message.chat.id chat = chatid if chatid Listener.bot.api.sendmessage( parsemode: 'html', chatid: chat, text: text, replymarkup: Telegram::Bot::Types::ForceReply.new( forcereply: true, selective: true ) ) end
modulefunction - .
( , )
module InlineButton GETACCOUNT = Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardButton.new(text: ' account', callbackdata: 'getaccount') HAVEPROMO = Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardButton.new(text: ' ?', callbackdata: 'forcepromo') end
when '/start' Response.inlinemessage ', ', Response::generateinlinemarkup( [ InlineButton::GETACCOUNT, InlineButton::HAVEPROMO ] )
, .
, ForceReply: CallbackMessages
def process self.callbackmessage = Listener.message.message case Listener.message.data when 'getaccount' Listener::Response.stdmessage(' ') when 'forcepromo' Listener::Response.forcereplymessage(' ') end end
ForceReply, : (Reply) , . .
" ." , StandartMessages : StandartMessages
def process case Listener.message.text when '/getaccount' Response.stdmessage 'Very sorry, ' when '/start' Response.inlinemessage ', ', Response::generateinlinemarkup( [ InlineButton::GETACCOUNT, InlineButton::HAVEPROMO ] ) else unless Listener.message.replytomessage.nil? case Listener.message.replytomessage.text when / / return Listener::Response.std_message ' , :' if Promos::validate Listener.message.text return Listener::Response.std_message ' ' end end Response.std_message ' , ' end end
class FishSocket module Listener # This module assigned to processing all promo-codes module Promos def validate(code) return true if code =~ /^1[a-zA-Z]*0$/ false end module_function( :validate ) end end end
. FishSocket : FishSocket
require 'telegram/bot' require './library/mac-shake' require './library/database' require './modules/listener' require './modules/security' require './modules/standartmessages' require './modules/response' require './modules/callbackmessages' require './modules/assets/inline_button' require './modules/promos' Entry point class class FishSocket include Database def initialize
, :
, : InlineMessages:
" ?" InlineButton
module InlineButton GETACCOUNT = Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardButton.new(text: ' account', callbackdata: 'getaccount') HAVEPROMO = Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardButton.new(text: ' ?', callbackdata: 'forcepromo') ADDITIONMENU = Telegram::Bot::Types::InlineKeyboardButton.new(text: '', callbackdata: 'advancedmenu') end
when '/start' Response.inlinemessage ', ', Response::generateinlinemarkup( [ InlineButton::GETACCOUNT, InlineButton::ADDITIONMENU ] )
allbackMessages: CallbackMessages
def process self.callbackmessage = Listener.message.message case Listener.message.data when 'getaccount' Listener::Response.stdmessage(' ') when 'forcepromo' Listener::Response.forcereply¨C222Cmenu' Listener::Response.inline¨C223Cinline¨C224CButton::HAVE¨C225Cmessage
Response, inlinemessage Response
def inlinemessage(message, inlinemarkup, editless = false, chatid = false) chat = (defined?Listener.message.chat.id) ? Listener.message.chat.id : Listener.message.message.chat.id chat = chatid if chatid if editless return Listener.bot.api.editmessagetext( chatid: chat, parsemode: 'html', messageid: Listener.message.message.messageid, text: message, replymarkup: inlinemarkup ) end Listener.bot.api.sendmessage( chatid: chat, parsemode: 'html', text: message, replymarkup: inline_markup ) end
? - , , , - , , , .
, :
, , ReplyKeyboard.
Afterword: A lot of things have not been touched upon here, but after all, there are hands and documentation for everything, for me personally, the description on GitHub was not enough. I believe that in our time anyone can become a botman, and now this person knows what to do. Peace for everyone.