How poor support kills a good hardware product on the example of Yandex.Station

Yes, this is a bit of hate post, but with faith in the New Year's miracle, suddenly a good grandfather frost comes and knocks on the head and helps the product manager to prioritize product development and the world will become a little better.

Yandex.Station was presented more than a year and a half ago. Initially it seemed to me that this could be a mega-convenient thing for the kitchen, where hands-free and compactness are much more important than sound quality, and therefore I was one of the first buyers. This was a completely deliberate compromise, all the more one would expect the functionality to expand - indeed, a smart home, radio stations and a bunch of everything appeared. But one thing still haunts me is the sound quality.

How to change the sound on Yandex stations? I would like to decrease the bass and increase the high frequencies. How to do it?

Dmitry Krasnozhon, question on Yandex.Q

on July 5, 2019

It is clear that initially it was foolish to expect good sound from such devices - they are created from compromises - you need to provide omnidirectional, microphone operation, and so on and so forth. But everything turned out to be somehow really bad. The most popular word used to describe sound in reviews is โ€œdecentโ€. Not particularly impressive.

The column from "Yandex" sounds quite decent. "Alice" speaks intelligibly, in a quite lively voice. In the column nothing rattles or rattles - the music is also played normally.


A quite logical solution for the creators of audio equipment long ago was the ability to add an equalizer to their device. Someone will make themselves more treble, someone will add bass. Hearing and a sense of beauty are different for everyone, and even with a good brand technique, there is always the opportunity to tweak the sound for yourself. All the more, it begs for such a device, which has many problems from birth. Users began to look for this opportunity and ask questions to Yandex. Moreover, probably for the first time the device was created in the same country with them, by people speaking the same language and, probably, it is much easier to convey your feedback here.

Good day! Unfortunately, you cannot use the equalizer on the Station now. But this function is included in the TOP-10 wishes from users :) This means that it may well appear at some point. Stay tuned for updates!)

Daria Pashayeva - Project Manager at Yandex.Q

July 17, 2019

Ladies and gentlemen, get acquainted - the frequency response of the Yandex station (thanks to

looks like a cardiogram for hypertensive patients is bad. And the sound matches. In fact, this is a sound here, it is a very protruding low-mid - speaking in Russian, booming.

Yes, the bass is just too much (sound in places like from a barrel)

bonus2k, Yandex.Q

October 2, 2019

Loud bass disturbs neighbors (because of the bass wavelength, they hear more than me). It's dumb to use at night. And given the fact that other devices are tied to the station, the use becomes generally inconvenient.

Dmitry Pylaev, Yandex.Q

November 9, 2019

More than one and a half years have passed, the station and Alice in it, have learned to do a lot of new things, but to make an equalizer and enable people to enjoy music on a music column - no. Instead, the developers chose a different path - to do well for everyone at once. Periodically, with some kind of updates, the sound changes. You can probably even say that he got a little better in a year and a half. But do I like him? - No. He is still mumbling and he desperately lacks the top.

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Simon Logic

6 2019

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At the same time, this column can sound much better - just connect it via bluetooth and adjust the equalizer on the source and everything immediately becomes much better. Only the meaning of a smart voice column somehow disappears immediately. Yes, it is possible that an increase in HF will negatively affect the so not ideal hearing of this column, but for example I am ready to put up with it. In the end, you can make presets and give users the opportunity to choose ...

Then there will be my favorite quotes ... Have you been climbing inside modern smart technology for a long time to make it work well?

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To do this, unscrew the torx T10H fixing the plug on the side and cut out the same one from thick cardboard. As a result, the bass drops and so I like the sound of music and movies much more.


02/14/20, 03:06

Yandex, do you really think it's normal that your users are engaged in such nonsense?

The question is not even the sound as such, the question is in relation to users. Now I don't even give the most evil quotes from that Yandex.Q, I think this will be enough

Soon, Yandex will ask for all questions regarding their products to write to the

sus sportsloto

on March 27

As for me, at one point it seemed to me that this station was an ideal gift, but now I don't think so and even rather dissuade people from buying. And yes, I believe in miracles and try to reach out to the people responsible for this, at least here.

- Alice, turn down the bass

- Setting the equalizer is not yet available,

I a

couple of minutes ago

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