How to create your SlideShare

How to create your own service for publishing presentations?

Example presentation service
Example presentation service

The task comes down to displaying the presentation in a browser, for which it needs to be converted to HTML and a player in JS.

Microsoft solves this problem with a rather complex player, directly working with PowerPoint and displaying it in its player using SVG, but we will not go this difficult way and restrict ourselves to converting a presentation into a sequence of image slides, as SlideShare does.

Convert presentation to images

There are three ways:

  • PowerPoint Impress PDF, PDF . ;

  • PDF PDF.js PDF PDF ( , , );

  • LibreOffice PPT/PPTX .

SlideShare slides are images
SlideShare -

LibreOffice PPTX , SlideShare. .. LibreOffice , , LibreOffice - .

PDF: PDF LibreOffice ( ..), PowerPoint ( ), PPTX, LibreOffice.

LibreOffice: .. PDF.

LibreOffice, PDF, . , LibreOffice Alfresco, LibreOffice jar- jodconverter, .


- PDF : Poppler, Apache PDFBox, ghostscript, mupdf . Pdfium . .

, . Poppler 2 JPEG pdftoppm :

$ pdftoppm -f 2 -l 2 -r 96 -jpeg input.pdf > page-2.jpg

pdftoppm Poppler -r 96, , PDF ( , PDF ). . , PDF - , - -r

, . -.

- , Poppler . Apache PDFBox , .. Java.

, , , .

PDF (- PDF), -. - .

. .. - (SlideShare ).

. " ", , textarea .

PDF, . , ( ) . , , , , . .

. :

  • JPEG WebP, ;

  • , .

, WebP , Safari, IE Edge, JPEG . PNG, , .


, PowerPoint -, HTML- , , , Microsoft PowerPoint .

PowerPoint - , HTML5+JS. PowerPoint , Microsoft (, Microsoft Sway -).

. , , .. .

, ELiS , , , . :

  • ( );

  • ( ).

Player example

You can click on the example presentation as a visual representation, which can be done using the approach described above.

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