3 videos for a mobile developer

Thinking of writing your own framework for an iOS application? Listen to the report of our developer on creating a library for drawing graphs in the YuKassa service. Here about the concept, mathematical algorithms, implementation of interaction with graphics and animation.

The second speech is devoted to the automation of testing product metrics in UI tests on iOS. Let's talk about how the metric was tested before, and what they wanted to turn it into. Add to this the challenge factors in the form of platform and business process constraints, and this is a great opportunity to share some good insights with the community.

And finally. Do you happen to encounter the same errors over and over again on Kotlin projects? And the point here may not be at all in the human factor, but, for example, in poorly understood principles of programming. If you answered β€œyes”, then watch 3 videos in which the speaker will analyze the causes of such errors and how you can avoid them.

Library for drawing graphs

Sergey Tobolin, iOS developer

How the library can be useful and how to reuse it from the outside

1:04 About analytics in UKassa

1:46 Design concept

2:46 Choosing a framework

4:08 SiChart

4:54 SpriteKit

5:25 First stage: developing an algorithm

7:53 Types of chart extrema

10:23 Second stage: drawing the chart and interacting with it

12:20 Third stage: animation

16:17 Results

Tool for testing product metrics in UI tests

Stanislav Zelikson, iOS developer

Stas will tell you how a seemingly simple task turned into an interesting challenge due to the limitations of the platform and our business processes.

1:27 How it all started

2:39 How did we test the metric before?

3:16 Requirements

4:40 Ways of implementation

9:00 Implementation of sending metrics

22:10 First launch on CI

25:53 Many simulators

29:40 Integration into tests

40:36 Link to materials on GitHub

Code that works but is bad

Nina Semkina, Senior Android Developer

Nina will review the annoying Kotlin errors that appear over and over again in projects. And most importantly, he will analyze the reasons for their occurrence.

1:47 Problems of the Singleton pattern. Example with parameter initialization

5:29 Context in Singleton. Example with thread-safe retrieval

9:19 Violations of the Single responsibility principle

13:38 Violations of the Barbara Liskov substitution principle

19:24 Competing states View

25:24 Summary

All reports from the big IT conference YuMoneyDay .

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