On Habré, we discuss the US network infrastructure , the features of European Internet providers and even follow the development of communication lines in India. The government of the latter seems to have again made loud statements and proposed a new initiative.
Context of the question
In the summer, the Prime Minister of India announced a plan according to which, in just a thousand days, optical fiber should be laid in every village in the country. In total, we are talking about connecting 650 thousand settlements to high-speed communication lines, including on the islands.
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, . - (Public Data Office, PDO). PM WANI (Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface) , .
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, - . , - . , PM WANI, . — , Jio Platforms, . Google, 4,5 .
, Google Station — , Wi-Fi. -, - 30 — Jio Platforms. , .
«» — - Wi-Fi — . , - .
RailTel 5,5 Wi-Fi . , 400 , Google, - . RailTel .
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