Stream and cast youtube and more ... (part 2) Raspicast, Mps-Youtube and Youtube-viewer

Let's continue our survey of "star" clients for streaming media content that did not make it into the first part . And "casting" as an opportunity to transfer videos through other devices to the Raspberry Pi. There are some more easy ways to do this!

Meet Raspicast!

. Youtube, . Android Youtube, , .

Raspicast . Raspberry Pi:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev libpng12-dev
sudo apt-get install omxplayer

Raspberry Pi ssh ip. ip Raspberry Pi Raspicast. youtube , , Raspicast .

Mps-youtube Youtube-viewer

: Mps-youtube Youtube-viewer. , , Youtube. Mps-youtube mpv , mplayer. . .


, , Mps-youtube, Youtube-viewer, . , . , , . Youtube-viewer GTK Raspberry Pi.




mpv :

sudo apt-get install mpv

, pi Mps-youtube pip python :

pip3 install --user mps-youtube
pip3 install --user youtube-dl --upgrade
cp /home/pi/.local/bin/mpsyt /usr/bin

mpsyt , . , - :

Youtube Error 403: Access Not Configured. YouTube Data API has not been used in project 422897895433 before or it is disabled. Enable it

by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently,

wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

, Youtube DATA API , . , , . Youtube API. google :



"YouTube Data API v3"

( ).


mpsyt set api_key "_API_"

, , / , :


// .

. , mpsyt :

mpsyt set search_music false
mpsyt set show_video true
#            ..:
mpsyt --help

API , , ViaMyBox Github, Mps-youtube music:

cd /home/pi
git clone
sudo /home/pi/viamybox/scripts/

Youtube-viewer | Straw-viewer | Pipe-viewer

. It Youtube . Straw-viewer Youtube-viewer. Pipe-viewer Straw-viewer. Pipe-viewer . .

Perl . GTK , Youtube . Mps-youtube . Straw-viewer Pipe-viewer api Invidious : , ( 01.09.2020) ).

, Pipe-viewer Youtube api . Mps-youtube Pipe-viewer . , Youtube, .

Pipe-viewer. Perl cpan. :

sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev libreadline-dev libterm-readline-gnu-perl libssl-dev \
gobject-introspection libcairo-gobject-perl libgtk-3-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libgirepository1.0-dev \
libglib-object-introspection-perl libncurses5-dev libncurses5 
sudo cpan Module::Build Data::Dump YAML HTTP::Request JSON URI::Escape JSON::XS Mozilla::CA \
Term::ReadLine::Gnu File::ShareDir Unicode::GCString LWP::UserAgent LWP::UserAgent::Cached \
LWP::Protocol::https Gtk3 Glib::Object::Introspection


cd ~
git clone
cd straw-viewer
perl Build.PL
sudo ./Build installdeps
sudo ./Build install

gtk --gtk :

perl Build.PL --gtk
sudo ./Build installdeps
sudo ./Build install

Pipe-viewer : pipe-viewer. : gtk-pipe-vewer.

MPV Pipe-viewer. , HD youtube , GTK Pipe-viewer, . raspberry pi Mpv , vlc : Menu — Preferences — video_player_selected. Pipe-viewer mpv 3 4 Raspberry pi . , mpv vlc "video_player_selected => "mpv" :

nano ~/.config/pipe-viewer/pipe-viewer.conf

You can find the distribution kit and code with the above functionality here:

Hopefully over time, we will see and consider new interesting projects for the Raspberry Pi on this topic.

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