MOBA of a healthy person (concept)

The health of today's cybersports player is affected by a number of negative factors , the source of which is the imperfection of sports equipment ( input devices ). In this regard, it was decided, on the eve of the imminent release of the main article on the topic, to publish, as an illustration to it, one of the concepts for transforming input-output devices for games in isometric projection.

Sorry for the quality of the content. The concept was born in a couple of minutes at the height of the debate - in the absence of an illustrator.


A touch screen that displays the entire playing field at once + the output of the main in-game commands to contacts closed in various combinations on the hand / hand.

The weak point of the concept is swelling of the legs and swelling of the arms raised for a long time, although nothing prevents the athletes from jumping and swinging their arms while the character is dead and has not yet been resurrected.

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