How little-known UK PC maker invented ARM and changed the world

The first series of RISC-based personal computers was the Acorn Archimedes, released in 1987.

: 2020 — . , . , , . - «».

ARM. Apple M1 ( ARM) . , . 

- , , , , , , Intel. , , .

, ( 1800- )? , , , ? , — «‎ , ». .

ARM, , 130 , , . , , .

1982 BBC The Computer Programme (« »). BBC , , .

, BBC , , . , BBC BASIC. , , . , , . , , BBC.

, BBC , Sinclair, . — Acorn Computers.


Acorn, , 1979 , , 6502. Apple II, Atari 2600 Commodore 64. , .

Acorn Atom, BBC, Atom BBC Micro.

BBC , , , Acorn — Atom. Atom : 6502 16- .

Acorn , , Tube, . ( )

BBC Micro Acorn, . , , , , , .

, ,   ,   , .

, :

BBC Micro Acorn, 1980- . , 80- . 1981 IBM, . Apple Lisa 1983 Mac «--», .

Acorn , - , , 6502. Acorn 16- : 65816, 16- 6502, Motorola 68000, Apple Macintosh, National Semiconductor 32016.

, Acorn Intel Intel 80286   . Intel .


: Intel.

Acorn . Western Design Center (, 6502) RISC- (. Restricted (reduced) Instruction Set Computer, . RISC, ), Acorn . (Steve Furber) (Sophie Wilson).

RISC , , CISC (. complex instruction set computing complex instruction set computer, ., ). , .

. CISC , . , , , . , CISC , , .

RISC, , , , — , , . , .

Acorn RISC, 6502, , RISC. , , , 6502 , RISC.

Acorn RISC, (Sophie Wilson), Acorn, , 6502.

BBC Micro Tube Acorn RISC- Acorn RISC Machine, ARM. VLSI, Acorn, ARM R&D Acorn. ARM2.

1987 RISC —  Acorn Archimedes, ARM2. ARM , Intel 286, , 245 000 , Intel.

Archimedes Arthur ( ) , . , , , — «‎ » .

ARM , Intel 80286.


ARM , Acorn , , , .

ARM . 1980- Apple , , ARM. , — Newton.

Apple VLSI Acorn ARM Advanced RISC Machines, ARM. , Apple, ARM ARM6. ARM610 , , 1993 20 Apple Newton.

, , Newton , - : ARM. , , . ARM , «», « » ("Beat up Martin") « » ("Eat up Martha")

ARM610 Acorn Archimedes Newton eMate. 2001 7- ARM iPod Apple Game Boy Advance Nintendo. 2004 ARM Nintendo DS.

, 2007 , Apple iPhone ARM11. ARM.

ARM , Apple - . ARM «» , , Intel. , , Chromebook Apple, ARM, , , — .

ARM , . ARM , , , «» ( «») Intel / AMD.

: , . , , , . , Intel , . , , Apple, . , , .

, , (Wes Anderson). . 

… , , ARM.

OTUS . .   OTUS.

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