Blum-Blum-Shub generator and its application


Currently, random numbers are used in various fields of science. For example, to simulate various real processes, it is often necessary to take into account not only the behavior of the investigated quantity, but also the influence of various unpredictable phenomena. In addition, some methods for analyzing experimental data also use random numbers. In game theory, chance also plays a big role. And of course in cryptography. Many encryption or electronic signature algorithms use random numbers.

But how do you get a random number? In nature, there are many different random phenomena, on the basis of which generators were invented. Hardware random number generators can be based on macroscopic random processes using items such as a coin, dice, or roulette wheel. But such generators are very slow and not suitable for solving problems. To obtain random numbers faster, physical phenomena of a quantum nature, such as noise in electrical circuits, can be used. But the main disadvantage of hardware random number generators is their unreliability associated with frequent malfunctions. To avoid unreliability, they began to use pre-obtained tables of random numbers. However, they also had a big drawback - they took up a lot of memory.

Since neither the hardware method nor the tables of random numbers satisfied the need for fast and reliable obtaining of random numbers, scientists began to look for algorithmic methods for obtaining random numbers. It is obvious that the sequence obtained as a result of such methods is no longer random, since it is completely determined by a certain formula and initial data. But if the initial value is kept secret, and the algorithm is resistant (an algorithm is considered resistant if a successful attack on which requires the attacker to have an unattainable amount of computing resources), then the results that the generator produces will be unpredictable. Such an algorithm for obtaining a sequence of numbers, the properties of which approximate a sequence of random numbers, is called a pseudo-random number generator.

- BBS (Blum-Blum-Shub generator) - .


  • - ,

  • – ,  

  • – , ,

  • () - , n l(n), . ,  

    , « ». , , , , . , , .

  • x n n, y, y ^ 2 \ equiv x \ mod \ n. x - n.

  • p , p \ equiv 3 \ mod \ 4, .

2 :

  • , , , 1/2.

  • , , , r≤l(n)−1 s  (r+1)- s  1/2.

BBS (Blum-Blum-Shub generator)

  1. p q

  2. n: = p \ cdot q

  3. s \ in Z_n ^ * ( n)

  4. x_0: = s ^ 2 \ mod \ n

  5. x_i: = x_ {i-1} ^ 2 \ mod \ n b_i: = x_i \ mod \ 2

  6. : b_0, b_1, b_2, ...


n = p \ cdot q = 7 \ cdot 19 = 133   s = 100. x_0 = 100 ^ 2 \ equiv 25 \ mod \ 133 . : x_1 = 25 ^ 2 \ equiv 93 \ mod \ 133 b_1 = 93 \ equiv 1 \ mod \ 2, x_2 = 93 ^ 2 \ equiv 4 \ mod \ 133 b_2 = 4 \ equiv 0 \ mod \ 2, x_3 = 4 ^ 2 = 16 \ mod \ 133 b_3 = 16 \ equiv 0 \ mod \ 2, x_4 = 16 ^ 2 \ equiv 123 \ mod \ 133 b_4 = 123 \ equiv 1 \ mod \ 2


, BBS, , \ lambda (\ lambda (x)), \ lambda (n) = \ {\ min {m}: a ^ m \ equiv 1 \ mod n \} - . 

BBS , n .  

i- , x_0, n, \ lambda (n).


, , .

BBS , :

  • , x \ in Z_n ^ * .

  • A (n, x)- , , 1 , x 0 .


, BBS ( )  .

. BBS. , .  BBS ,

, , , . : , RSA, ( ), , . , , . , . .

. — , . . , . , . , . 

(Password-Based Key Derivation Function, PBKDF) — , - . , , -. 

PBKDF . PRF. , , . , S - , , - MK_Length.

- MK , MK = PBKDF _ {(PRF, C)} (P, S, MK \ _ Length)

, , , , . - C.   2 ^ {Salt \ _ Length},   Salt_Length - .


Dummy _ Bits _ Number , BBS, -. , BBS, .  - .  a.

T U i : T_i, U_0 S i, Binary(). BBS T_i C. - . r .

, , , . , BBS , , .

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