Habrarating 2020: Best Corporate Blogs

Hello, Habr.

This is the final, third part of the unofficial rating of the best Habr articles of 2020. This time we will look at corporate blogs. Various companies on Habré published about 9000 articles, and of course, among them you can find a lot of interesting things.

Continuation under the cut.

Just in case, let me remind you that the rating is unofficial, and is built using parsing in Python. I have no inside information, I am not associated with any blogs or their authors. All published information is built only on the basis of statistics, which, it seems to me, gives very interesting results that I would like to share with readers. I do not exclude that I was not mistaken anywhere, if I missed someone - write, I will add it manually.

Number of publications

Let's start with the simplest thing, the number of publications. In total, about 9000 articles were published on Habré by various companies, or about 25 a day, which is quite a lot. Graphically, it can be depicted something like this, the diagram shows the names of companies with> 50 publications this year, the rest simply did not fit: RUVDS

was in first place this year , which published 602 articles. OTUS ranks second with 512 articles, while Selectel (248 articles), VDSina (229 articles) and SkillFactory (211 articles) are in third, fourth and fifth places .

If we take from each company 2 articles with the highest number of views, we get the following top 10:

ruvds :

What is Windows PowerShell and what is it used for? Part 1: basic features from ru_vds, 123000 views, 27 comments, rating + 49.0 / -5.0

How do I use AirDrop instead of Tinder from zhovner, 120,000 views, 172 comments, rating + 294.0 / -14.0

otus :

What is CI / CD? Dealing with continuous integration and continuous delivery from MaxRokatansky, 25400 views, 1 comment, rating + 5.0 / -8.0

Machine Learning faced an unsolved math problem from MaxRokatansky, 24600 views, 11 comments, rating + 24.0 / -7.0

selectel :

How to find a hidden camera in a rented apartment or hotel room from Seleditor, 130,000 views, 164 comments, rating + 112.0 / -17.0

What's new in Ubuntu 20.04 from mingulov, 122,000 views, 203 comments, rating + 96.0 / -0.0

vdsina :

Why everyone should think about it: answers to the most pressing questions about the Covid-19 coronavirus from vdsina_m, 181000 views, 612 comments, rating + 119.0 / -15.0

Intel crash took place from ragequit, 145,000 views, 770 comments, + 167.0 / -43.0

rating skillfactory :

Why is Japanese web design so different? from honyaki, 47100 views, 44 comments, rating + 49.0 / -36.0

450 free Ivy League courses from MagisterLudi, 39600 views, 5 comments, rating + 24.0 / -1.0

Number of views

The rating by quantity is pretty obvious, let's move on to more interesting ratings. The number of views of articles for different companies can be visualized using a 2d map (number of views horizontally).

The first place went to geltek , whose articles received an average of about 50 thousand views each. In second place are dcmiran , habr , lamptest and analogbytes , whose articles receive an average of 25 thousand views. In third place is tuturu , whose articles are gaining an average of 21 thousand.

Let's see the best articles:

geltek :

Project 'Gorizhop' - product development 'Thermo-Intensive gel' by elena_pastukhova, 73,100 views, 205 comments, rating + 115.0 / -48.0

What will happen to your skin from constantly wearing gloves from elena_pastukhova, 49800 views, 157 comments, rating + 89.0 / -3.0

dcmiran :

Why do printers put invisible dots on documents from Data_center_MIRAN, 113000 views, 212 comments, rating + 153.0 / -1.0

Modern HP printers refuse to work without an ink subscription from Data_center_MIRAN, 109000 views, 548 comments, rating + 134.0 / -5.0

habr :

Services that became free during the quarantine: courses, radio, books, movies and TV shows from baragol, 370,000 views, 61 comments, rating + 62.0 / -2.0

Coronavirus COVID-19: only facts, no panic from baragol, 293000 views, 220 comments, rating + 105.0 / -13.0

lamptest :

The world's first serial lamps with a solar spectrum from AlexeyNadezhin, 99,900 views, 304 comments, rating + 145.0 / -1.0

Big red-blue swindle from AlexeyNadezhin, 73,200 views, 111 comments, rating + 119.0 / -1.0

analogbytes :

Moscow DIT receives permission to send advertising for the next 10 years from AnalogBytes, 176000 views, 354 comments, rating + 286.0 / -7.0

Medusa, passports and shit code - why the passport numbers of all participants of the Internet voting got on the Internet from alexeishch, 56000 views, 399 comments, rating of 130.0 + / -16.0

tuturu :

virus and antibiotics: gentle educational program for panic from Milfgard, 93,700 views, 291 comments, rating + 243.0 / -8.0

New reserved seat - like a capsule hotel from Milfgard, 81800 views, 548 comments, rating + 209.0 / -5.0


An attempt to visualize the ratings of articles of all companies on one map did not work out very well, but the general distribution is basically visible:

As you can see, the results are more or less uniform, it is difficult to single out some features (although one company with quite a lot of minus articles is clearly visible on graph).

In terms of the average number of votes per publication, tuturu is the leader , whose articles received an average rating of +72. This is followed by geltek (+67), lamptest (+62), analogbytes (+49) and habr (+49).

The best articles of these companies by the number of votes collected:

tuturu :

Virus and antibiotics: a gentle educational program for those panicking from Milfgard93,700 views, rating + 243.0 / -8.0

What happens in Pushkin's Queen of Spades and what do they play? from Milfgard49400 views, rating + 215.0 / -4.0

geltek :

What does habra effect look like when you sell a gorizhop product for women from elena_pastukhova42600 views, rating + 196.0 / -16.0

What will happen to your skin from constantly wearing gloves from elena_pastukhova49800 views, rating + 89.0 / -3.0

lamptest :

Charge conventional batteries from AlexeyNadezhin72,900 views, rating + 189.0 / -5.0

The world's first serial lamps with a solar spectrum from AlexeyNadezhin99,900 views, rating + 145.0 / -1.0

analogbytes :

DIT of Moscow, when checking the pass, receives permission to send advertising for the next 10 years from AnalogBytes176,000 views, rating + 286.0 / -7.0

Medusa, passports and shit code - why the passport numbers of all Internet voting participants got on the Internet from alexeishch56000 views, rating + 130.0 / -16.0

habr :

How Habr interacts with government agencies and other applicants. Transparency report for all years from Boomburum83,200 views, rating + 305.0 / -3.0

Habru - 14 years old from Boomburum 14800 views, rating + 187.0 / -0.0

Number of bookmarking

Distribution in 2d:

According to the average number of bookmark additions per article, playgendary ranks first (119 additions). This is followed by plarium (113), ruvds (102), geltek (90) and manychat (88).

playgendary :

How I abandoned the game after four years of development from Seabus, 60400 views, 190 bookmarks

5 game designer tools to help your game from azazelis, 12,300 views, 183

plarium bookmarks :

10 cool repositories on GitHub useful for any developer from Plarium, 64400 views, 917 bookmarks

My Top Free Developer Tools by Plarium, 24100 views, 286 bookmarks

ruvds : To the

programmer. 10 valuable GitHub repositories from ru_vds, 32200 views, 563 bookmarks

What is Windows PowerShell and what is it for? Part 1: basic features from ru_vds, 123,000 views, 541 bookmarks

geltek :

Our Skin Zoo: What To Do With Acne (Pimples) From elena_pastukhova, 38100 views, 207 bookmarks

Project 'Gorizhop' - product development 'Thermo-Intensive gel' by elena_pastukhova, 73,100 views, 155

manychat bookmarks :

15 basic Git tips to get the job done every day from gurugray, 48,700 views, 562

Redis bookmarks with practical examples from navvygator, 17300 views, 196 bookmarks

Number of comments

Finally, the last rating and graph is the average number of comments per article.

The first place was taken by analogbytes , whose articles have an average of 109 comments. Then there are tuturu (92), vdsina (87), lamptest (82) and geltek (73).

analogbytes :

Medusa, passports and shit code - why the passport numbers of all Internet voting participants got on the Internet from alexeishch, 399 comments, 56000 views

DIT of Moscow, when checking the pass, receives permission to send advertising for the next 10 years from AnalogBytes, 354 comments, 176000 views

tuturu :

New reserved seat in a T-size carriage: remember the feedback you gave on 1-VM? from Milfgard, 848 comments, 61,900 views

New reserved seat - like a capsule hotel from Milfgard, 548 comments, 81800 views

vdsina :

How the economy of the USSR was optimized and what came of it vdsina_m, 2028 comments, 51,900 views

'Clean' energy doesn't exist from vdsina_m, 1,175 comments, 87,000 views

lamptest :

The world's first serial lamps with a solar spectrum from AlexeyNadezhin, 304 comments, 99,900 views

We charge conventional batteries from AlexeyNadezhin, 287 comments, 72,900 views

geltek :

Project 'Gorizhop' - product development 'Thermo-Intensive Gel' by elena_pastukhova, 205 comments,

73,100 views Coronavirus: phylogeny, smoking, mortality and risk reduction from elena_pastukhova, 196 comments, 257000 views


As a bonus, I'll give you a small anti-rating. Unlike the positive rating, I will not name the companies here. The worst rating is the company p ***, which published the only article with a rating of + 7.0 / -22.0. They did not publish anything else, and now the article has been removed to drafts. One of the saddest blogs is the blog of t ***, which published about 50 articles with an average rating of +2 (however, another company, o ***, published several hundred articles with an average rating of +7). The blog with the least viewed articles belongs to the company s ***, whose articles only get 1000 views on average. Least Commented Blogowned by t ***, which published 60 articles with an average comment rate of 1.3.

In the second part, I published several histograms of the distribution of ratings, views and other parameters, so that authors can compare their values ​​with the average and think about what they are doing wrong ...


This concludes the statistical review of Habr this, 2020 (if anyone missed the 1st and 2nd parts). I hope readers have something to revise during the long New Year holidays, but I wish the authors success and getting into the rating next year, 2021.

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